White hero smashes statue of fat black woman


Nobody knows who Breonna Taylor was, other than that she was disgustingly fat.

Also, she culturally appropriated her name from white people, “Breonna” being a poorly spelled mangling of the traditional Irish girl’s name “Bree”, and her surname being that of someone who traditionally made clothes. Given she was black, she was statistically more likely to steal clothes.

Thus it can be safely assumed that she appropriated her name so as to maintain a facade of fitting in with a society which is not her own. Other than this, she remains completely unremarkable.

Because it’s the current year, Marxist officials in Oakland, California allowed a statue of her to be built. Fittingly it has been smashed.

It can be safely assumed that this was done by a white man who has a strong understanding of the disproportionate level of black-on-white crime, particularly violent crime.

This white hero also likely knows that white people make up just 8 percent of the world’s population, yet mass immigration is being forced upon every white country in the world. The long term effect of this will be to erase white people from existence, while billions of non-white people will still exist.

The ubermensch who rightly smashed this poorly made statue would surely know that in 2020 the deliberate misrepresentation of crime statistics was used in conjunction with a psychological warfare program which forced ordinary white people to stay at home, which resulted in gangs of black people and self-hating white people being allowed to smash statues of white heroes all over the West, with little to no opposition, and the tacit approval of the state and of law enforcement.

The erection of this awful statue was akin to the act of a conquering army which builds a mosque over the rubble of what used to be a vanquished people’s church or temple. It is an attempt to culturally reinforce a military victory, to ensure a temporary occupation becomes a permanent subsumption.

Therefore, smashing Breonna Taylor’s statue symbolises white resistance against ZOG and its NPC army of Marxist terrorists, and our determination to survive and thrive forever in our own homelands.