I saw this video posted on Gab which shows a group of young, mainly Maori protesters in New Zealand who are part of a group called Man Up. They are protesting a homosexual parade, one of the many that go by the name of Pride, the greatest sin known to man and the source of all the calamity from Satan to Adam and beyond.
There are a few takeaways from the video. The first is that it is refreshing to see organised and visual push back against the vile homosexual agenda. I also note the faces in the crowd towards the end of the video, people who were waiting to see the faggots prance down the road. The faces are angry, frustrated and hostile at this group of men who have dared to go against the prevailing orthodoxy of all praise those who suck cock. The faces are overwhelmingly white liberals, our greatest enemy and the most awful people in the entire world.
But the biggest takeaway for me is that while certainly courageous and noble in their stand, the protesters had no effect on either the crowd or the faggots waiting to march in their pride. Once the protest had finished then the parade resumed as if nothing had happened. The awful sinners felt in no way any desire to repent or change, and the crowd was undiminished in their adoration of those whose sin is so great that demons flee when the homosexual act is consummated.
What is missing of course is Christianity. Real Christianity which is Catholicism. The Man Up protest was secular in nature. The fact that they used Maori war cries could also be described as demonic. Those war cries go back to when the Maoris were pagans, and anything pagan is demonic. So in effect we have the protestors using ancient pagan methods to try and intimidate demons.
It is not going to have any effect. The demons laugh, they yawn, they titter at the stupidity before them, and they carry on as if nothing has happened. If anything they draw power from such a confrontation.
During the Covid lockdowns an extremely large protest match was organised in Melbourne. The streets were a sea of hundreds of different flags waved in unison to protest the odious government overreach. But as I wrote at the time, there was not one priest, nor bishop, nor even a crucifix held aloft. How different such a protest would have been with the bishop of Melbourne marching at its head while holding aloft a sacred crucifix. But the priests were nowhere to be seen.
When confronting demons, and make no mistake at all that the homosexual agenda is totally and completely demonic, you need hard core faith. If a group of traditional Catholics dressed in white robes and led by serious priests holding crucifixes and relics had confronted that pride parade then the reaction of the onlookers and the marchers would have been very, very different.
When demons are confronted with hardcore and true faith in men of religious valor then they howl, and screech, and wail, and hiss, and spit, and cower in their eternal impotence in the face of real and effective resistance.
Can you imagine such a scene? Can you picture the sheer chaos? It would be glorious. It would travel around the world in a blink of an eye. I keep repeating myself, but we already have the weapons to confront our enemies on their ground. It is traditional Catholicism practiced with faith, humility and strength. Remember, they had to get most people to turn away from God, to become secular before they could begin this sort of demonic nonsense.
We defeat Satan’s minions when we turn back to God, and when we use His weapons to fight them. To the organisers of Man Up, as worthwhile as your organisation might be, I see no reference to Christianity on your website. There is nothing more manly than hardcore traditional Catholicism. These are the guys who were Crusaders. The Church Militant in all its glory is our greatest weapon in this time of sacrilege.
So the next time you feel like confronting the demonic, make it effective. Make them cower in fear. Make them break and run like the putrid cowards they are. Make it Catholic.
Originally published at Pushing Rubber Downhill. You can purchase Adam’s books here.