Embrace White Nepotism


John Carter writes about the sudden and hard Trump victory and the Blitzkrieg effect that it is having on the US institutions long taken over by our enemies on the left. Like Carter, I too have been rather quiet this past month as I have not known what to say. I have just been observing, and in a shameful way I have been waiting for the mask to be yanked off and our rising hopes dashed in a Scooby Doo reveal that leaves us as the patsies.

But it  does appear as if the beginning of the nightmare is over. It’s coming down like the Berlin Wall came down. And even though I am an expat, I am and I always will be a loyal native Australian. It is my home; it is my land; it is my people, what is left of them. And as Australia is a vassal state of the USA, it will follow where its master dictates. Our current crop of traitorous and imbecilic politicians just have not caught up to that uncomfortable reality just yet. It is ironic that this year, of all years, is a federal election year in Australia. To Australian patriots everywhere, it’s time to turn up the volume to 11.

But I want to talk about how we can openly begin taking back our country on the ground level. The most critical issue that we need to rectify is our demographic replacement. For over 50 years there has been a bipartisan agreement in Australian politics to swamp the country with foreigners. They have taken advantage of the good nature of Australians, most specifically the notion of a fair go. It doesn’t matter your cultural or racial background; if you give it a fair go then you will be given a fair go.

Our naive generosity has contributed to our replacement.

When I grew up I was taught by my family and my social network that nepotism was a bad thing. To get a job just because you were related to someone in a position to give you the job was akin to a criminal activity. We were taught that the only thing that counted was meritocracy. But at the same time we were filling our country with foreign cultures that practice nepotism as easily as they breathe.

In addition to this, we have been subjected to woke Communism that celebrated the hiring of these alien minorities, while doing its very best to stunt the advancement of native whites. If you are a white heterosexual man in Australia, or many other countries for that matter, then you know of what I speak.

But some of us, in spite of all the odds, we have managed to climb. We are there in the institutions, in the companies, in the businesses, in the government departments, even a very few of us in the halls of power. And to all of you, to each and every one of you, I say that it is time that we take back our power, and by doing so we take back our country.

If you are in a position to hire people, from now on you must only hire white men. If you are in a position to promote people, from now on you must only promote white men. If your colleagues are non whites, from now on you must not cooperate with them, no matter how much you may like them on an individual level. We must now shake off the yoke of our programing.

Nepotism is good. Nepotism looks after our own. Nepotism ensures that the right white man for the job gets the job. Nepotism means that we value our cultural identity. Nepotism means that we fight our enemies with their own weapons that they use against us.

Our enemies tell us that we need to remain competitive against foreign countries, and to do so means that we need to hire the so-called best and brightest from foreign nations. It is incoherent. Winning is not reducing people to economic units. Winning means that a native white Australian man can raise a family in his native land. We don’t need to be competitive. We can simply raise trade barriers as Trump has done. Make things in Australia. The smart economy was a sham, and we believed it to our shame.

Hire white. Promote white. Hire your family and friends. Practice nepotism. Take back our country. This is where we start.

Originally published at Pushing Rubber Downhill. You can purchase Adam’s books here.