Arthur Calwell and his Memoirs – ‘Be just and fear not’


Sunday night 27 October 2024 just before midnight I’m reading an article in Quadrant when a writer casually mentions Arthur Calwell’s memoirs. I thought ” Arthur Calwell wrote a memoir!”. So I get out of bed and get on the computer and it took me about half an hour to find an actual copy of the book. There are a lot of pages that talk about the book but I only found one copy for sale. So I bought it, over $60 for a nearly 50 year old paperback.

By the end of the week I had it in my hands.

Why read a nearly 50 year old book?

Published in 1978 about a man who has been dead for over 50 years, he died in 1973.

Because Arthur Calwell was a quite peculiar man, the man who campaigned for mass immigration into Australia and the last mainstream politician to openly support a White Australia.

How do you reconcile those two things?

I hoped that the book might give some insight, while it does give some insight into other areas, it sadly does not explain at all why he supported mass immigration even though there is an entire chapter on immigration.

Chapter 12. The immigration saga

It starts with Prime Minister Curtin stating that Australia needs a Ministry of Immigration and Calwell being appointed by Curtin’s replacement, Chifley as the first Minister for Immigration on July 13 1945, before the war was even over. But it does not say anything at all of the policy’s prehistory, it just starts fully formed, with no discussion, no debate, nothing. In that sense nothing has changed.

Sir Robert Menzies in his book ‘Afternoon Delight’ writes on page 59:

“It was in the face of these difficulties that Arthur Calwell convinced not only his colleagues but also the Trade Unions that a large immigration programme should be taken in hand. This was a bold and courageous action. It could have been taken successfully only by a Minister who was known as a life-time Labour man of the strictest orthodoxy, and was both well-known and extremely popular at the centres of unionism, the Trades Hall.”

That’s more information then Calwell gives, but he does write on what happened once he was Minister. On August 2, 1945 he gave his first Ministerial statement to Parliament of which I have selected the most relevant parts, page 97-98:

“If Australians have learned one lesson from the Pacific war….it is surely that we cannot continue to hold our island continent for ourselves and our descents unless we greatly increase our numbers.

…Immigration is, at best, only the counterpart of the most important phase of population building, natural increase. Any immigration policy, therefore, must be intimately related to those phases of government policy that are directed towards stimulating the birth rate, and lowering the infant mortality rate in Australia itself. It must, further, be related to the whole social service program of creating greater economic security and a higher standard of living, as an inducement to young Australian couples to have larger families.”

….In view of the alarming fall in the birth rate, and the decline of the average Australian family from six children in 1875 to three children in 1925, and then to slightly over two children at present, our immediate problem will be to hold our population figures without some migration.”

Calwell writes about the wish for British migrants, but then he moves seamlessly onto Europe, page 100:

“In forming our immigration policy, we were lucky to obtain the services of an outstanding six-man fact-finding committee which toured Europe on our behalf in November and December 1945. In fact. the mission consisted of representatives of the Commonwealth Parliament and of employers and employees organisations, who went to Paris for an International Labour Office conference.”

So right from the start the political parties, the unions and the employers’ groups were in. The Australian people were never asked and have never been asked.

Chapter 14. Black Power and a multi-racial society

Page 117:

“Anybody who is not proud of his race is not a man at all. And any man who tries to stigmatize the Australian community as racist because they want to preserve this country for the white race is doing our nation great harm. Those who talk about a multi-racial society are really talking about a polyglot nation. Some people talk about a multi-racial society without knowing what the term really means, while others talk about it because they are anxious to change our society. No matter where the pressures come from, Australian people will continue to resist all attempts to destroy our white society.”

Chapter 27 Permissiveness destroys society

Page 244:

“But the hedonistic doctrine now being popularised is that a woman has the sole right over her own body and can alone decide on an abortion for some reason, or no reason. Even’s her husband’s consent, and he is the father of the child, will not be required, and neither will the opinions of qualified specialists. All this adds up to infanticide, and every nation in history that has practised infanticide, whether with or without the connivance of the authorities, has been destroyed and deserved to be destroyed. God is not mocked. Race suicide does not pay. Those who advocate abortions on demand should not be tolerated in any civilized community.”

Obviously in a book by a politician who served for over 30 years in the Australian Parliament there is a lot on politics, events and personalities. Was it worth reading?

Yes but I found it quite frustrating, the central reason I bought the book wasn’t addressed. However I did realise that like Menzies whom I’ve also criticised for his failure to see the consequences of his actions, Calwell is guilty of exactly the same thing. He could not see that a policy of mass immigration could neither be turned off or kept small. That instead it forms its own economy that must be fed. Government and business are now dependent upon immigration.

Originally published at Upon Hope.