Kamala election ad incites Asians to hate whites


Although it pains me to do this, I can’t help but write a piece on the current US presidential election.

Er, selection.

The political process in representative democracies is a farce. A puppet show put on to keep us peasants invested in the system that extracts our wealth, brainwashes our children and steals our future.

Yet politics also reveals truths about the deeper trends and long-term agendas driving our society. The mask is slipping hard off the face of the establishment in this election process. It is showing more clearly than ever the true power structure that controls the United States and, therefore, the West.

When cultural Marxist community organiser Barack Obama was running for office, he made sure to present himself as a unifier in order to deceive white Americans. He wanted everyone to ‘chew soap’. The true agenda remained buried.

Not so with Kamala’s Democratic campaign. The hatred of white America and the culture, faith and heritage of traditional Americans is on full display.

Her latest ad, released on October 27, encourages Asian immigrants to hate and fear white Americans. There’s no subtlety about it whatsoever.

This ad is pure race war propaganda.

Subtle as a brick, Kamala. Let’s go through it.

Starts with a fat Asian dude with two images behind him: a Shinto shrine and the Liberty Bell. The message is clear—you can be fully Japanese or Filipino or Korean and fully American. Of course.

Try pushing that argument as a white guy in Japan, the Philippines or Korea and see how far you get, but whatever. We already know about the double standards that only ever apply to wypipo.

The ad then cuts to a graphic of the Constitution and a fat Asian chick with ‘My Body, My Choice’ on it. We get it. Abortion is constitutional.

It’s not, and it’s not your body, Carmelita. It’s the baby’s body.

There’s then another fat Asian chick with a passport in front of the Statue of Liberty. I guess she immigrated. The first skinny Asian comes after her. It’s a bloke who looks Korean and who did military service in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

How free is Iraq looking at the moment, Mr Kim? Yet you still seem to be drinking the Kool-Aid. I thought Asians were smart?

The ad then takes a darker turn. They bring out the Asian children doing a pledge of allegiance, and then suddenly, the angry Bad Orange Man appears, with some sceptical, educated Asian parents looking uneasily at the screen.

There is then a flash of World War II-era internment camps, because Trump represents another Holocaust, didn’t you know? Because he’s literally Hitler.

He’s not Hirohito or Mao or Stalin or Pol Pot or Kim Il-song or Ceausescu or Idi Amin or Robespierre or Ho Chi Minh.

Always Hitler. Only Hitler.

Why is that?

After the Bad Orange Man, there’s a shot of Vincent Chin. Chin was a Chinese man who got beaten to death with a baseball bat after picking a fight with two drunk whites at a strip club in 1982. Chin made fun of the men after he hit one with a chair, and they later killed him in a park.

The Jewish judge Charlie Kaufman only gave the men a $3000 fine and no jail time, saying they “weren’t the kind of men you send to jail.” A lesbian community organiser and agitator named Helen Zia, supported by the usual anti-white network of NGOs, then led a push to get the two white men imprisoned for a hate crime.

The organisation founded by Helen Zia, American Citizens for Justice, was the Asian version of the Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL) or the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP).

Like Obama, Zia was a community organiser. That’s a euphemism for a trained cultural Marxist agitator. These are people who took the ideological weapon of cultural Marxism crafted by the Jewish Frankfurt School between the wars in Europe and then applied it to create a permanent cultural revolution in every Western country.

These are the people who were spreading wokeness 50 years ago. Every cultural abomination that we see destroying our societies today is the result of the work of these people since they took control of the universities in the late 1960s.

Marxism relies upon two strategies to destabilise societies. The first stage of the strategy is to identify any marginal social group that may have resentment against the dominant social group.

In orthodox Marxism, the marginal group is the proletariat, and the dominant group is the bourgeoisie. By constantly riling up the resentment of the poor against the rich, Marxists last century could overthrow the traditional structures of society and install a communist system.

This happened all across Eurasia, Africa and South America. Hundreds of millions, particularly Christians, died as a result.

Cultural Marxism was the innovation that Jewish intellectuals in Europe crafted in response to the failure of orthodox Marxism to trigger revolutions in Western nations. After the 1917 Russian Revolution failed to spread, commie intellectuals brainstormed what the problem might be.

The consensus they reached, largely thanks to the influence of Italian anarcho-communist Antonio Gramsci, was that Marxists should focus on identity instead of class in their quest to destabilise Western societies and bring in global communism.

The second stage of the communist takeover cements the power of the new tyrannical elite once the revolution has occurred. Communists will always, always, always weaponise historical narratives to create a system of thought in which the overthrown group tyrannised over the previously marginalised group or groups. It’s communist mind control 101.

George Orwell warned us that this was coming in his 1948 novel 1984. Now it’s here, but the communist system we have isn’t based on hatred of ‘Goldstein’.

It’s based on anti-whiteness.

The communist cabal behind Kamala Harris is determined to drive as many wedges as they can between whites, and especially white Christians, and everyone else. They are using the resulting chaos to usurp power, end the legal protections of liberal democracy and bring in a totalitarian woke dystopia in the former nations of the West.

Imagine a purple-haired, high-BMI, POC, lesbian cat lady on anti-depressants stamping on a white man’s face, forever.

That’s the future Kamala and her ilk want, and that’s what they’re trying to achieve with this ad.

Kamala may be playing the Asian card here because she seems to have lost the blacks. Kamala pitched herself as Blaq as Shaquille O’Neal when she launched her campaign, but the brothers ain’t buyin’ it.

So now Harris, who seems to only have the identity Marxist card to play, is pivoting to the Asians. Personally, I don’t think it will work. Asians don’t like communism. They saw it back in their home countries last century. They also don’t like losers. They like winners, and Trump personifies winning.

It’s his brand.

Kamala’s not going to win the Asians.

Given that her only strategy is to use her (real and imaginary) ethnic heritage to appeal to voters, that only leaves one electoral tactic.

It turns out that not only is Kamala married to a Jewish man with Jewish children. She’s Jewish too!

Trust Candace Owens, who was recently banned from Australia due to lobbying by the Jewish Anti-Defamation Commission, to ferret out the facts.

Why would Kamala hide such a thing when weaponising ethnic identity is her default electoral strategy?

It sure seems pretty strange.

Surely, someone with Jewish heritage would know how dangerous it is to rile people up against other ethnic and religious groups. No one sane wants to go down the road to where that leads.

Why can’t these people see that, no matter how much they double down on the mind control and cancel people they don’t like, whites and Christians are eventually going to wake up to this agenda of hate?

Can’t they see where this leads?

Originally published at Ponerologist.