BRICS: The end of Modernity


The 2024 BRICS summit just finished up in Kazan, Russia, with Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates attending for the first time.

BRICS meetings look like every other super-boring international meeting we’ve seen on the news for ages, but they’re anything but. Don’t let the London banking suits, Rolex watches and Western cultural norms fool you.

BRICS is an inverted G20. It’s globalist, but in an anti-Western way.

Western globalism is controlled by an elite financial cabal who took control of Western Europe through their mastery of central banking debt-based money creation, then used the military resources that provided them to dominate the planet.

The UN is an extension of that financial cabal’s power, as are the IMF and the World Bank. So are all the institutions of the West. Cabal ideology dominates all of public, and increasingly private, life in the West.

That Western globalist ideology is all about Soros-style open societies, Tikkun Olam borderless utopianism and a rainbow flag in every kindergarten classroom.

The Western financial cabal owns BlackRock and the other dark equity funds, who, in turn, own controlling stakes in every publicly listed corporation in the West.

That’s why every global corporate entity everywhere went gay and trans all of a sudden.

Because Larry Fink told them to.

We can point out all the evidence of the power of cabalists like Larry, but it doesn’t really get to the root and source of their power. How is it that successive Western empires have been subjugated by a rootless cosmopolitan elite so definitively?

Shipping. That’s the best answer.

More precisely, control of the international sea lanes developed since the 15th century by European explorers and merchants and then defended by Western sailors and marines. While the US Navy patrols the world’s seas, it’s the international bankers who benefit most from the financial system this thalassocratic control provides them.

After World War II, the US made a bargain with the world. The US would control the world’s sea lanes, thus enabling the free movement of goods, ideas and people. The world would let them. They would also provide the world with a global currency and stable markets to enable global development. The global boom we’ve seen since the late 40s around the world has been the result of this arrangement. It is the current ‘world order’.

The dollar is the basis for all currencies around the world, and the entire system operates via central banks. Some central banks are privately owned, and some are statutory authorities. The most important central bank though, the US Federal Reserve, is privately owned and operated by an undisclosed group.

Those people, the global financial cabal who can print money out of thin airthanks to the alchemy of central banking, are Larry Fink’s bosses. They’re ‘the globalists’, and they’re behind the various ideological and sociological agendas we can see being pushed to enslave and destroy humanity.

Their power rests on those international sea lanes, and this is why we’re seeing the Eurasian BRICS insurgency against the G20 ‘globalists’ attacking shipping in the Middle East as well as challenging Western navies in the South China Sea. The Eurasian powers have been biding their time to develop and gain from Western technological know-how, and now they are taking on the Western globalist cabal directly.

It may well be a troll, but the unveiling of a BRICS currency by the Russians is an arrow straight to the dark heart of the cabalist system of global control.

This is the ultimate framework to understand why we’re headed into World War III. Rather than accept the loss of hegemony, the Western-based cabal is provoking war on all fronts with the Eurasian powers.

This gets us back to why BRICS is so significant. It represents the end of the 500-year period of Western supremacy. The end of a world rooted in sea-based values, and the return to a world rooted in land-based values. This is the type of world order that prevailed in most places at most times throughout history.

Central to BRICS is the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, which would create internal trade routes within Eurasia, liberating Eurasian states from the requirement to adopt cabalistic values to participate in the world economy.

The immense resources of Eurasia would become networked to develop internal markets within the Eurasian landmass, away from pesky Western fleets and airbases. And gay bankers.

This is about more than just new train lines and regulatory frameworks, however. The Western-controlled economic system based on marine trade routes isn’t just something that coincided with the modern period. It created the modern period.

Everything modern is a byproduct of Europeans building international capitalism for the past 500 years: technological advancement, secularism and the shift to reason instead of faith as a basis for societal norms, individualism, consumerism, democratisation, and the culture of critique toward all that is traditional, established and reactionary.

This is modernity, and it is in the process of going away. Technological advancement will likely still continue, should enough of the Eurasian infrastructure survive the coming war of transition and we’re not all living in caves. The era of continuous, radical and destabilising technological disruption, however, will be over. Research will advance to develop established fields rather than forge new ones.

The worship of reason, which is Freemasonic and kabbalistic in origin, will not be the secular religion of the world elite going into the future. Metaphysics is back, baby. We might see new religions spawn or established religions renovate. Miracles may abound. Christianity could do with a period of refining fire to re-purify the faith, for sure. That’s up to God, though.

The world will shift away from hedonistic individualist consumerism and back to a more collective way of life grounded in family and community identity. The sick ideal of a pan-world dystopia of interchangeable worker units will die. There will be, for most of humanity, a return to the soil, in some form or other.

Most of all, though, the modern era of political idealism will come to an end. No Roman pleb or medieval peasant looked to government to create a utopia for him. He looked instead to custom and to the heavens.

The world coming into being will not be a world of ‘human rights’ and ever-expanding entitlements of the individual. It will be a world in which, if you do not work and you do not have family, you do not eat.

Western intelligence agencies have a long and storied history of funding and arming Islamist and separatist movements to destabilise China and Russia. That’s what the neocon project in Ukraine is all about, after all. Jewish think tankers like Michael Rubin openly call for the US to use this strategy against China. These think tank parasites are usually intelligence operatives moonlighting as policy influencers.

In response, the Eurasian powers have learned to use the rhetorical nonsense of human rights as a weapon against the decadent West. After Australia recently critiqued China for its actions against Islamic separatists in Xinjiang, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian hit back:

“Australia, long plagued by systemic racism and hate crimes, has severely violated the rights of refugees and immigrants, and left Indigenous people with vulnerable living conditions. Australian soldiers have committed abhorrent crimes in Afghanistan and other countries during their military operations overseas.”

As though Lin gives a damn about immigrants. It’s a clever deployment of the language of critique that globalist subversives in Australia use, however. It’s the communist Chinese using the language of cabalist cultural Marxism against us, which I warned about in my 2017 book.

Do the cabalists have a bigger plan in all this? Do they control the Eurasians, too?

The jury is still out on that one.

While Australia faces imaginary accusations over human rights violations by a communist government that could care less, the West’s most powerful ally in the world has a public debate about their right to rape those they consider subhuman.

Which is everyone.

All this chaotic, inverted, dysfunctional world disorder is passing away. On the other side, people living in Australia may well find that, for the first time, we have true independence. We may have the opportunity, free from bondage to Britain or the United States, to create authentic regional identities that properly enable human flourishing.

Or we’ll all be dead from the Chinese invasion.

The jury’s still out on that one, too.

Originally published at Ponerologist.

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Published on the Daily Caller, Zero Hedge, the Spectator Australia and XYZ. Hated by Antifa commie rebel scum everywhere. Really likes Western civilisation. Really hates Marxism. Prefers dogs. Cats are for pussies. Beware the leaven of the Pharisees.