The real reason the Australian government is banning kids from social media


Remember that time a homosexual cross dressing child groomer was prevented from reading subversive literature to children in a public library due to the rightful outrage of locals, so the Victorian government intervened to let the homosexual cross dressing child groomer read subversive literature to children at state parliament?

The very system which grooms your children claims it wants to ban children from social media for their own safety:

SYDNEY, Sept 10 (Reuters) – Australia plans to set a minimum age limit for children to use social media citing concerns about mental and physical health, sparking a backlash from digital rights advocates who warn the measure could drive dangerous online activity underground.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said his centre-left government would run an age verification trial before introducing age minimum laws for social media this year.

Albanese didn’t specify an age but said it would likely be between 14 and 16.

“I want to see kids off their devices and onto the footy fields and the swimming pools and the tennis courts,” Albanese told the Australian Broadcasting Corp.
“We want them to have real experiences with real people because we know that social media is causing social harm,” he added.

The law would put Australia among the first countries in the world to impose an age restriction on social media.

Previous attempts, including by the European Union, have failed following complaints about reducing the online rights of minors.

For several months, the Australian government has pretended to engage in consultation regarding plans to ban children from social media. As seen during Covid, their standard operating procedure is to normalise a policy before implementation.

Removing children’s access to social media will reduce the access of groomers to children. This is a good thing and should be done by parents regardless. It will also reduce the access of ClownWorld “intelligence” agents to mentally retarded children whom they can groom and set up as so-called “domestic terrorists”.

As argued previously on The XYZ, if governments wanted to prevent children’s access to porn they should ban porn, as it is bad for everybody. Similarly, social media has a net negative consequence society-wide but as the example at the beginning of this article demonstrates, the stated goal of the government belies its true intent.

Strong pockets of the internet, including this website, are some of the only public spaces remaining in the West where state-sponsored child groomers will not try to convince children to mutilate their genitals. To our earthly masters, this is intolerable.

Moreover it is considered outright “terrorism” to not only refute assertions that White people are guilty of the original sin of “racism”, but for White people to actively organise politically to resist our replacement via mass immigration.

Unless children are homeschooled, our psychotic governments and the mass media have a monopoly over our children’s minds. The internet is one of the few places where children who question the narratives forced down their throats can access the truth and network with likeminded people.

This is the reason why the Australian government is pretending to care about our children. This upcoming legislation should be viewed in the context of plans to establish a state issued digital ID and digital currency. In time the ban will extend to adults deemed “problematic”, then to basically everybody. It is yet another node of the digital control grid designed to control every aspect of our lives.

The eventual restriction of the internet to all but a privileged few will indeed have the upside that children can spend more time kicking the footy and playing on the swings.

Deprived of social media dopamine hits, White kids can also learn to box, lift weights and pray together, and make lots of White babies.

ClownWorld should be careful what it wishes for.

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