The Satanist Servants of the System do not attack any religion but Christianity


By now you will all have seen and heard of the outrage against Christianity perpetrated by the organisers of the summer olympics in Paris. They have attempted a weak apology to placate those that they intended to humiliate. If this does not suffice, and in the abject weakness of Christians today it may just well be enough, then they will trot out a tranny to take the fall. Or perhaps the performer with his right testicle exposed as he eyed a young child. Perhaps he will be the fitting dupe.

Make no mistake, this opening ceremony was approved and verified by the highest echelons of French society. It is what they wish their nation to become.

So as Christians, (which means traditional Catholics, but I am repeating myself), what should we do? In regards to the latest outrage, nothing. Act as if it does not exist. Do not feed their rampant fire with your precious fuel. Do not watch their “olympics”. But if you are an athlete and a Christian, then I suggest that you leave these games immediately. Because I think that the taint is now too much to willingly bare.

I am not getting worked up about the insult as I know that a reaction is what they crave. But there are a few lessons here for us to consider. This message was aimed at normies, as only normies watch the opening and closing ceremonies of the olympics, let alone the games themselves. Our societies are run by Satanists who now feel free to openly parade their demon worship while also cowing the general population into going along with it.

So for normies there is the possibility for them to have a wake up call moment. Many of them failed the covid wake up, but also a good number did not. Here is now another wonderful opportunity that in their weakness our enemies have presented to the world. Lesson numero uno.

The second lesson is for those squarely on our own side who do not as yet take Christ and Christianity seriously. Our enemies take Christ very seriously indeed. That is why they cannot help themselves but to attack Him, even if such an act reveals to the world what they actually are. The Satanist servants of the System do not attack any religion but Christianity, and they are perfectly predictable in this regard. They are not doing this for shits and giggles. They hate Him because He exists and He is good, and beautiful, and true. Whereas they are not.

There are many who profess to stand against the System who call themselves pagans or athiests. Our enemies do not waste time attacking such non entities. Be the person that our enemies so desperately want to attack. That is the most powerful stand that you can take against our enemies. Unless you are a true Christian then you do not have any dog in this fight.

Originally published at Pushing Rubber Downhill.