Civil War Is Coming


All of the current riots in the UK were so predictable. I can’t remember how many articles I’ve written where I have warned that this was what the West was heading towards. Just as predictable have been the accusations that the “faaaaaar right” extreme extremist, White supreme pizzas, like myself, wanted to see this and were actively working to bring this violence about.

Now of course, civic Nationalists such as Tommy Robinson and Nigel Farage are being labelled far right extremists themselves and accused of being responsible for the violence and property damage that some White people have engaged in. But let’s be fair here. If black lives matter protests from a few years ago can be labelled as “mostly peaceful” so can these current ones by white people.

Twitter (I still can’t get myself to call it X as it’s a stupid name) is full of all the usual suspects posting about alleged right wing white violence but ignoring Muslims waving machetes about and conveniently forgetting the years of abuse the British people have suffered at the hands of immigrants.

The thing the establishment has to deal with now is that shaming White people and trying to make the far right look bad, just isn’t going to work anymore.

None what is going on has been orchestrated by organised White Nationalist groups. None of us have ever advocated riots or bashings or burning down hotels with migrants in.

No, all we have ever done is warn people that this was going to happen sooner or later. That it was inevitable. History tells us so. The war in Bosnia was only 30 years ago. I remember it well. 200 years of multiculturalism that 110 years ago kicked off the 1st World War and a few generations later ended in genocide. You think this is what we want? No! This is what our traitorous politicians are sending us towards. But instead of it just being done in a small part of the Eastern Mediterranean, it’s being done all over Western Civilisation.

The Australian government is currently investigating the “threat” of right wing white active clubs. I am personally in one. We take photos of ourselves wearing balaclavas. We also go protesting wearing them. Some of the rioters in the UK also are wearing balaclavas. Therefore balaclava wearing white man bad and want to hit, hit, stomp, stomp, burn, burn; these idiot politicians and bureaucrats “reason” to themselves.

We wear balaclavas for two reasons. First, because we don’t want to make it easy for our enemies to shut down our bank accounts, hassle our employers or come around to our house in the middle of the night just before Christmas and firebomb our car whilst our pregnant wife is sleeping inside the house! The only reason I dont personally wear one if protesting is because I’ve already been named and shamed and set up for all the above abuse. Didn’t stop me. Won’t stop other menbers of our group if it happens to them. We just won’t hand you the opportunity on a silver platter.

Second reason we wear them is because it pisses off globlohomo and gets us free publicity. Duh! If they are so insecure as to find 30 guys in balaclavas peacfully protesting a threat big enough warrant national news, then, thanks, we’ll take that as a compliment.

The reason people protesting in the UK are wearing Balaclavas whether peacefully or otherwise is because they don’t want 20 cowardly police busting down their doors after the protest is over to arrest them. Doesn’t mean they are one of us or have even heard of us. It’s just pissed off White men who want to express that anger (including peacefully) without spending the next 10 years in jail. They don’t trust the police. They don’t trust the courts and why should they? The persecution of Whites and the protection of nonwhites is a big part of why they are angry to begin with.

The protesters in the UK are not a far right organisation. This is obvious from the fact that none of them are organised! Look at the discipline of Tom Sewell’s or Jacob Hersant’s very peaceful protests and compare it to people protesting in the UK. Individuals who belong to organised groups may be at the protests, but no official presence has been put together. The protests have occurred organically and spontaneously and we on the organised far right are as surprised as anyone else. It’s great to see that there is some fire and fight left in the white British general public. We’d almost lost hope after Covid and vaccine mandates!

So don’t blame us. We tried to warn you, you failed to listen and take heed.

Cuckservative politicians such as Nigel Farage will be asked if they condemn the violence. And they will. And it will do them no good. They will be labelled Nazis anyway. We, who actually are on the far right, will be misquoted on our desire for “acceleration” as proof that we want violence regardless of us obeying the law and constantly remaining peaceful (other than to defend ourselves from violent attacks by our enemies).

Again, we don’t want it, we just know that’s it’s inevitable. We want acceleration because the longer it takes for civil war to occur, the more bloody it will be when it does and the more bloody immigrants we will have to defeat. Look at Bosnia. But politicians and top bureaucrats have the power to stop the inevitable at any time. Stop multiculturalism. Gradually send people back to the shit holes they came from and conflict will be avoided. They don’t even have to send all of them back. The public will tolerate some. We White Nationalists won’t be happy, but we’ll have to live with it. Just as we have to live with things as they are now. Just as the war in the Balkans could have been avoided. Serbia, Croatia, etc could have been established peacefully a century before. It wasn’t. So they were established after a bloody war instead. Learn from History or see it repeated.

The thing is, we know that the politicians and bureaucrats won’t stop multiculturalism. On the contrary, these protests in the UK will only cause them to double down. To arrest more White people for “hate speech”. To increase immigration even more. This is why we say it’s inevitable. We will continue to be peaceful, continue to be law abiding, but globohomo won’t. Muslims won’t. Africans won’t. We will continue to be honest and not steal from our fellow man. But the government won’t. The corporations won’t. The Jews won’t. And so ordinary White people will keep pushing their resentment down until one day, something will happen. A grandmother will be stabbed. A child will be raped. A trannie will flash his dick in public. Something. And the mob will rise.

This is why I won’t condemn any violence that is perpetrated by White people in these protests. Not because I advocate for it, but simply because why? What’s the point? It’s not going to stop it. Most likely I would simply be viewed as yet another traitor cuckservative who folded under pressure and let his people down. If I stood in front of a crowd and did it, I would likely be lynched.

The organised violent resistance won’t begin with White right wing groups. It will be some White army Colonel or medium ranking police officer who one day decides he has had enough of being a traitorous mercenary for globohomo and Pakistani rape gangs and has had enough of being hated by every White person in his street. He will have enough men under him who’ve also just had enough. It will be in reaction to ordinary White people who’ve just had enough, begun rioting again and been killed for it.

As for organised White Nationalist groups, who knows what role they will play once civil war breaks out? We sure as hell don’t. How many times do I have to repeat myself? We are not advocating for violence. We are not advocating for civil war. We will not be the ones who start one. We simply know it’s just a matter of time. We are simply training and becoming disciplined as a group for whatever God decides is going to occur. If we can stop multiculturalism peacefully we will. Just because we don’t think it will work doesn’t mean we won’t stop trying.

So until someone else brings about Civil War, we will remain peaceful. We will be dedicated and determined to tell the truth regardless of the personal consequences and we will look after each other. But sooner or later we believe civil war is coming.

We will be prepared. Will you?

You can find Stephen Wells at Telegram and purchase his books here.