War with Russia means certain nuclear war


Across the three theatres where World War II was fought in the 1940s, conflict escalation is occurring today.

In Europe, brinkmanship is well underway. The placement of F-16s in NATO nations adjacent to Ukraine has been labelled yet another ‘red line’ by the Russians.

One day, we’ll run out of red lines, and NATO and the Russian Federation will go to war.

Simultaneously, Israel and the United States are bombing Iranian proxies in Yemen. Iran and Israel have already traded controlled blows as each side ups the ante on the other.

Israel struck Hodeidah after a drone attack on Tel Aviv on the weekend.

In East Asia, the ladder of escalation is the least farthest along. North Korea has taken to firing missiles into the East Sea (Sea of Japan to the Japanese – one of many points of contention in the region) and also floating shit-filled balloonsdown into the South. They’re landing at random locations across the country.

The Chinese are likely playing the long game this time, as America did during World Wars I and II. They are focused on a massive military expansion, including shipbuilding. And nukes.

In each of these budding theatres of World War III, participants have nuclear weapons. Israel has nukes, Iran likely has nukes, North Korea has nukes, China has nukes, and between them, Russia and America have 3400 deployed warheads.

The United States nuclear forces rely upon a triad of delivery systems. Silo-based ICBMs at fixed locations around mostly the midwestern United States are primarily targeted at Russia and China. These Minuteman III missiles, of which there are 400, are scheduled to be replaced in the coming years.

Each Minuteman III carries up to three warheads with a yield of about 170 kilotons each. That’s a total yield per missile about thirty times the size of Little Boy, the first atomic bomb dropped in war on Hiroshima in August 1945.

As well as the ICBMs, American nuclear deterrence relies upon gravity bombs delivered from B-52 and B-2 bombers as well as submarine-launched Trident II missiles. Trident IIs can carry up to eight 500-kiloton warheads, and the Ohio-class submarine can carry up to 20 missiles each. The United States has 18 Ohio submarines in active service.

While the US nuclear force has languished in recent decades thanks to political opposition from the pro-Marxist left and a focus on the Middle Eastern ‘war on terror’ from the pro-Zionist right, the Russians have kept their nuclear forces upgraded and expanded. They currently have more warheads deployed than the United States.

I was reflecting on all this during a family trip to Japan last week. I told them we were skipping Universal Studios and making time for a trip to Hiroshima instead.

I enjoyed it. I’m not sure they did.

The Hiroshima Peace Museum, built in 1955, doesn’t hold back on the graphic effects of a nuclear attack. The imagery and objects are quite realistic when it comes to what happened to the dead and those who survived, at least for a while.

At Hiroshima, the warhead detonated in the air 600m above the famous bomb dome building. The fireball extended for 1.5km in all directions, incinerating everything, and the air burst extended for 3.5km. Any lifeform in that zone was obliterated.

The epicentre of the nuclear detonation last week.

Outside of that zone, the survivors envied the dead. Thousands of burn victims threw themselves into the river to escape the pain of their injuries and drowned. People with their flesh hanging off their bodies wandered aimlessly, waiting for help that would not be able to do anything about their fate once it arrived.

Radiation poisoning is a terrible way to die. A person can seem quite fine apart from the burns; however, they soon begin leaking their liquified internal organs from their orifices. They can take days to die.

I’m not against what the United States did at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. War is hell, and tens of millions around the world suffered grievously as the governments of that era fought for supremacy. Several of my immediate ancestors were interned and saw combat against the Germans and the Japanese during the war. By shortening the war, the nuclear blasts were entirely justified, in my view.

The people around me at the museum didn’t agree, though, going by their reactions to my narration for the family.

My thoughts at Hiroshima were not with those poor everyday people suffering in the photos on the walls. My thoughts kept coming back to us — to people today who seem likely about to endure the same fate on a much, much more massive scale.

RFK raised this as a talking point during his election campaign, but it gained little traction. It’s not really on people’s radar anymore. Western normies mistakenly believe that because the Cold War period ended, the risk of nuclear armageddon has passed.

If anything, that indifference only makes it more likely.

RFK states that 90 million Americans would be dead in the first 20 minutes and then 90 million over the following six months. Those are baseline numbers.

Should the conflict involve the use of nuclear super-EMP weapons, the figure is more like 90% of Americans dead within a year of a nuclear exchange.

The sheer magnitude of what I’m arguing here will happen makes it difficult to take seriously, I know. Nuclear war is so gargantuan, so cosmically catastrophic, it’s hard for the mind to process that it could really, truly happen at all.

I believe this coming nuclear conflict will be divine judgement. It echoes what the apocrypha tell us about the Gigantomachy: an enormously destructive conflict between the Nephilim giants prior to the Flood. God ordained it as judgement, according to 1 Enoch 10:11-16:

And the Lord said unto Michael: ‘Go, bind Semjâzâ and his associates who have united themselves with women so as to have defiled themselves with them in all their uncleanness. And when their sons have slain one another, and they have seen the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgement and of their consummation, till the judgement that is for ever and ever is consummated. In those days they shall be led off to the abyss of fire: 〈and〉 to the torment and the prison in which they shall be confined for ever. And whosoever shall be condemned and destroyed will from thenceforth be bound together with them to the end of all generations. And destroy all the spirits of the reprobate and the children of the Watchers, because they have wronged mankind. Destroy all wrong from the face of the earth and let every evil work come to an end: and let the plant of righteousness and truth appear: and it shall prove a blessing; the works of righteousness and truth shall be planted in truth and joy for evermore.

For those Christians who remain uptight about any reference to 1 Enoch, it’s time to grow up theologically and read the books the early church did.

God always warns before catastrophic judgement. Angels were sent to Abraham and Lot prior to the destruction by fire of Sodom and Gomorrah, which, I believe, was a typology of the destruction by fire we will see in the coming war. I’m sure Sodom had a wicked pride parade.

When judgement comes, those who love truth and righteousness more than the world are saved; those who prefer the world, like Lot’s wife, face judgement.

So, have warnings been sent by God that judgement is coming? Yes, they have.

End-of-the-world obsessed, Bible-thumping preppers have been a meme for years. There have been well-known testimonies by Christians for decades saying that God will judge America, and by extension, the world system America rules over, with fire.

Dmitry Duterman was one of those. A persecuted Christian in the Soviet Union, he travelled to America in the 1980s to spread his message of repentance.

There are many charlatans pretending to speak for God, but I found Duderman credible when I first watched him 10 years ago. That video was uploaded in 2012 and created in the 1990s.

Personally, I have felt an alarm in my spirit for over ten years warning that this world we’re so used to of convenience and abundance and control of our environment will go away at some point soon, forever. There’s no clarity about what will happen, but rather a permanent urge to warn people to get their spiritual and physical houses in order before it’s too late. My warnings are usually met with indifference, annoyance or mockery, especially by Christians.

If I’m crazy, I’m crazy. If not, then I’ve been obedient. Time will tell.

Some of the warnings of nuclear catastrophe have come from people who claim inside leaks or special access to information. One such person is Bill Ryan, who published a video in January 2010 claiming that an insider from the City of London had given him an interview that made alarming claims about plans for future nuclear war.

Such a claim can be dismissed as baseless and preposterous, of course. Of interest, though, was Ryan’s testimony that a nuclear World War III would start with an exchange between Israel and Iran and that prior to this occurring, a biological weapon would be released against the Chinese.

Just a coincidence, maybe. The number of nuclear warheads on hair-trigger alert among the planet’s great powers is not imaginary, however. Those nations rely upon nuclear deterrence as a strategy, so they have launch-on-notice policies. That means that if any one of them believes a nuke has been fired against them, they will launch their own retaliatory nukes in response.

Upon notification of a launch toward US assets anywhere in the world, the President of the United States is given six minutes of decision time. We know that Joe Biden is not in charge at the White House today, and that decisions are being made by a cabal of cronies intent upon achieving their utopian vision for planetary transformation.

Those people have been doing everything they can for decades to provoke the Russians. They’re now doing it openly. The Russians and the Chinese, no doubt, also have their schemes in place to bring down the West.

Australia would be one of the best places in the world to be should nuclear war become a reality, but it will still be hell on earth compared to what we’re used to. No fuel. No ships or planes to bring new supplies. If we get attacked, our critical infrastructure will be taken out. No electricity, no water.

Darwin was flattened and Sydney Harbour was breached during World War II. The Battle of the Coral Sea was fought just off Queensland. Will we face invasion this time?

Our rulers will act shocked and outraged and make moral claims should war break out. They will be lying. They have bunkers and supplies. They will have had advance warning for years that such a conflict was coming.

They just didn’t want us to know. What they don’t know, however, is that God’s judgement is inescapable. It comes for all of us.

Especially them.

Originally published at Education Reformation.