Deep state dunces


One of the hallmarks of a collapsing civilisation is that the people who should have authority don’t and the people who do have authority are incompetent.

When the Western Roman Empire collapsed, for example, the effeminate Roman political elite already relied upon barbarian Germans to stop the invading barbarian Germans. As new barbarians finally overwhelmed the imperial defences and began sacking the core cities of the empire, many Romans were still laughing at vulgar plays and amusing themselves with hapless slave girls.

Beyond bread and circuses, these were the classical equivalent of Netflix and PornHub.

The same was true of Qing China, Tokugawa-era Japan, ancient Babylon and, most recently, Soviet Russia. No one can imagine the regime collapsing until, one day, they look around and realise it has already happened.

The competent don’t rise in decaying societies because merit is spurned while flattery is rewarded. The incompetent rule and enforce a delusion upon the population until, finally, external forces take them out.

Such corrupt societies attack men who speak the truth publicly. Decadent Athens picked a fight with Sparta out of caprice and then murdered Socrates after the conflict turned against them and they lost their dominant imperial position. Honest men are punished in a society dying of lies.

The greedy, inept oligarchs in charge of the Roman Republican system in the 1st century BC murdered Caesar for wanting to bring about reforms that would have rejuvenated the Roman state. It was left to his adopted son Octavian to finally see the reforms through.

This is the stage America has reached in its political lifespan. Regardless of whether you think Trump is the messiah or just a very naughty boy, he very clearly has a vision for America that is itself a response to decadent globalism and delusional liberal imperialism.

America First is the stated goal, with strong support for Israel and the powerful Zionist lobby surely a close second.

In Late Republican Rome, the oligarchy around the Roman Senate used their enormous wealth collectively to control Rome’s political and military machinery for their collective personal benefit. They rigged the elections, determined who received juicy military appointments and tax collection contracts and treated foreign policy as their personal plaything while the everyday Romans fought and died for Rome Eternal.

The senator class plundered the provinces while driving the Italian farmers off their land and into the cities to become proles dependent upon the state and therefore upon the oligarchy who controlled it. They replaced those small landholder farmers with enormous slave plantations known as latifundia.

The senatorial oligarchy blocked ambitious outsiders from achieving high rank, and they finally assassinated Caesar for wanting to end their kleptocracy and Make Rome Great Again.

Due to America having modelled its political system upon Rome, the same development trajectory has occurred there.

It isn’t US senators that control America, however.

A financial cabal controls America. They run the central banking system via anonymous ownership of the Federal Reserve. They own controlling stakes in all publicly-traded companies via BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street. This is how they push their woke delusions down through the corporations. They control the intelligence agencies, which in turn control the media, academia, entertainment industry and black markets.

I believe these people began to usurp power in the United States with the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913 and the entry of America into World War I. World War II consolidated their wealth and power, and they took control of the presidency in my view with the assassination of JFK in 1963.

JFK was no saint, but he did want to reign in the CIA, warned about secret societies operating behind the scenes and sought to avoid a nuclearised Middle East. I think that’s why they killed him.

These are the people Trump has provoked by seeking power and who tried to kill him last weekend. That they failed shows that they’re not as skilled and sharp as they used to be.

Like all elites over time, they’ve become complacent and incompetent. Spoilt grandsons don’t have the rugged grit that enabled grandpa to seize the ring of power. They push foolish agendas and make unwise decisions.

The JFK assassination and the assassination of his brother RFK five years later were masterstrokes of intrigue. If you believe JFK Jr was also taken out, as I do, then that also demonstrated a level of savvy and deniability that rivals the Princess Diana, er, accident.

This Trump shooting is just plain embarrassing in comparison.

It would be a joke if it was at all funny.

These are the same incompetent fools driving us to nuclear war with Russia, China and Iran, driving Western economies over a cliff via debt insanity and driving us all mad with their stupendously stupid woke agenda.

The deep state are bureaucrats. They’re slimeball careerist nihilists who hate that Trump wants to restore a more merit-based system to American society.

The deep state, however, are not the real decision-makers and agenda-drivers in America. Although they have more real power than politicians, they are still not at the top of the tree. They’re not in charge.

The financial cabal who operate behind the scenes are the ones who truly control America and run it for their collective personal benefit.

The deep state dunces are out to kill Trump and may still manage to do so, unfortunately. It is the corrupt oligarchy behind the deep state minions, however, who are the real threat to our way of life.

They have played the role of puppetmasters in the pageant that is Western politics for so long now they think that they were born to rule. Like so many corrupt, incompetent, effeminate, overconfident elites before them, they believe themselves untouchable.

Like all the failed elites of history, they will be brought down. That fall, however, may well be accompanied by the end of modern civilisation as we know it.

The degenerate cabal in control of the West have a utopian vision for the planet. They believe it is their destiny to bring about a global golden age.

As that utopia collapses around them they may well decide, spoilt brats that they are, to just burn it all to the ground.

Originally published at Education Reformation.