Dutton: Ditch Voice Referendum

Peter Dutton.
Peter Dutton.

Peter Dutton has called it and he’s spot on. The “voice” is toast:

From the New Daily:

Peter Dutton has launched an extraordinary attack on the Indigenous Voice, again urging Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to call off his year’s referendum “if he realises the Voice is going down”.

The Opposition Leader’s comments came after a week in which the Coalition has repeatedly demanded further detail about the Voice’s and its power.

“Frankly I think the Prime Minister’s at a point where if he realises the Voice is going down – and that’s what all of the polling is indicating at the moment – then he should make a decision that’s in our country’s best interest and say ‘look I’m going to call it off because it’s just going to divide the country down the middle, it’s not going to achieve the outcome that we’re talking about and there are other ways we can provide practical support and consideration to Indigenous Australians’,” Mr Dutton told Sydney radio 2GB on Thursday.

He said the “unintended consequences” of the Voice could be significant, claiming it could have a say in tax policy, the budget or even naming the chief of the defence force.

“They’re setting up a situation here where the Voice will be able to have an influence into every area of public administration,” Mr Dutton said.

“It goes into every area of government responsibility. It’ll grind the whole system of government to a halt and the impact will be felt by everyday Australians, whether they live in an Indigenous community, out in the suburbs, or a regional town, or in a capital city.”…

“I’ve never seen anything like it in the last couple of decades I’ve been involved in politics. The con job that’s going on here is unbelievable,” he said.

“I can’t believe that a minister like Burney, in a very important portfolio, can just stand in the chamber, and essentially either not have clue what she’s talking about, or misrepresent what the Voice is.”

Dutton is correct that the way Labor has tried to sell “the voice” is a complete con. Whenever any government minister is questioned about its details, they waffle on about vague, seemingly innocuous concepts. Here’s Penny Wong responding to questioning from Pauline Hanson:

This week Prime Minister Albanese was so vague, even the Project hosts were at their wit’s end:

It’s like they was going, “C’mon mate, we’re trying to shill for you but you’ve gotta give us something to work with.”

This is the public face the government presents regarding “the voice” to Aussie normies; it’s a modest request, just a few words added to the Constitution, it’s nothing really, just let it happen or other countries will laugh at us. When speaking to their own, they promise radical change:

Architects of “the voice” include Thomas Mayo and Marcia Langton, open communists who advocate for “reparations” and destroying the Constitution.

The reason Labor is being so vague about the details of “the voice” is because if the Australian people understood its implications, they would never vote for it.

Fortunately, the government has been so ham-fisted in hiding the true purpose of “the voice” that it has alerted the suspicions of Aussies anyway. Polls indicate that in three state the voice has less than 50% support, enough for it to fail.

Where Peter Dutton errs is all this nonsense about harming “reconciliation” if the referendum fails, and his advice to legislate a “voice to parliament” through parliament without cementing it in the Constitution.

Australians do not want “reconciliation”. We want our country back. “Reconciliation” is code for lecturing White people that we’re evil so we have to give nonwhite people more money and more power.

It’s that simple.

We don’t want to live in a country like this. We want our own country, Australia. It used to be ours but successive Liberal and Labor governments have systematically given it away.

We do not expect the uniparty to listen to us, so we are intent on regaining our country for ourselves.

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