Did Jesus Jerk Off?


On my piece about sex as a pathway to demonic possession there were a few comments from protestant readers who took exception to my claim that masturbation is a sin.

I’ve been a born-again Christian since 1998 and I already know the story of Onan.

He was told by God to have sex with his former sister-in-law to propagate the family bloodline, but he climaxed onto the ground instead. God struck him dead because he disobeyed a direct order, not because He disapproves of sex that doesn’t result in childbearing, as Adam suggested. It’s the same convoluted argument used to discourage men from masturbation, and it’s wrong.

from reader Maniac.

How terribly awful of me, to actually think to discourage men from masturbation. Why, it’s such a healthy and inspiring past time, which is why I suppose the Globalists are all for it. Which is why all of their pornography is free, by the way.

There were others as well.

In response to a reader writing that, “… fapping is an enslavement to lower passions …”, reader Sharkly came out as a stern defender of the ability to pleasure oneself.

That is an opinion which is analogous to dogmatically saying that all eating of food is enslavement to the lower passion of gluttony. The Bible fails to mention fapping being a sin or an enslavement, and the Bible talks a lot about sex. If fapping were categorically wrong, you’d think a smart and just God would have clearly told us that all fapping is sin, if He plans to judge us for it.

Well, the Bible doesn’t specifically state that sticking dildos up your backside is a sin, so I suppose that’s now on the table too.

Let me repeat what I wrote in that piece regarding the sexual act:

When a man and a woman join together and their love produces a child, we call that entire experience the act of procreation. In other words, we are assisting God in His creation. He creates life through us, so we are willing participants in His ongoing love for humanity. God created us in His image and it is in this creation of a family that we most resemble Him.

But any sexual encounter that does not lead to procreation is instead a mockery of God and His love for us. Satan greatly desires to pervert that which God loves. Today we can look around and witness for ourselves the blatant results of several decades of unfettered perversion, of the deliberate equating of lust with love.

Got it? Any sexual encounter that does not lead to procreation is instead a mockery of God and His love for us. This was the Church’s teaching for almost two thousand years. The very same Church that collated and published the Bible which protestants cling to in a very literal sense.

As I recently stated, gay men do not engage in sex. Rather, they use each other’s bodies to masturbate into, whether it be the mouth, or the hand, or the bottom, or any other manner which I don’t really wish to imagine.

But so are couples who use contraception. If the act cannot be procreative then it must also be a form of masturbation. Which means that there is an awful lot of this masturbation going on, a diabolical situation directly propagated and explicitly encouraged by the System. The last several decades have been dedicated to worshiping the individual orgasm. This is what underpins their entire display of pride.

It’s one or the other, people. There are no shades of grey here. Either you are using the body of someone else with which to jerk off or you are engaged in procreation. One of these is pleasing to God, while the other is a mortal sin.

Sharkly also stated the following in his comment:

Jesus was “tempted”, as we are, to do evil, by this world and by Satan, but his [sic] desire remained always to do rightly. Whereas we often desire to do evil, and must restrain the sinfulness of our nature.

Indeed, His desire is to always do rightly. So in that light, did Jesus jerk off? I mean, according to Sharkly it’s not a sin because the Bible does not specifically state it.

Of course He did not engage in such an act. Even to write that as a posed question with its obvious stated objective as to shock the reader leaves me somewhat uncomfortable.

Your precious masturbation which you cling to in such a demeaning manner is a mortal sin, in all of its forms. It is the most popular pathway to hell for the fallen souls of this world. Sins against the 6th Commandment. Do you want to have sex? Then marry a member of the opposite sex in a real Catholic ceremony and do not use any form of birth control. There you go. I can’t be any clearer than that.

Originally published at Pushing Rubber Downhill. You can purchase Adam’s books here.