There is no excuse to wear a face mask


I have a friend who suffers from chronic anxiety. Who struggles to sleep at night. Often going days in a row without sleep. His mind won’t settle and the devil torments him with negative thoughts about himself. He has been unable to work for a few years, so debilitating is his condition. Though he is a devout Christian and prays daily, the Lord has seen fit to give him this burden.

He is also my hero.

My friend doesn’t wear a mask. He has refused the jab and he has forced himself to come to many a protest though he struggles terribly in crowds. Every time he stands up for what is right, he pays a price. Full emotional breakdowns are common for him. Yet he stands up regardless. He doesn’t manage to get to every protest. He often can’t even get himself to church, but he keeps picking himself back up and he fights again.

Earlier today, my friend plucked up the courage to go to Aldi and buy himself two $5 bottles of Port. No mask. No vaccine passport. It’s legal to go into Aldi without a vax passport because it’s a grocery store. Unlike other supermarkets Aldi doesn’t have a separate section for alcohol. But the idiotic mandates says that as soon as you put some booze in your trolley instead of some baked beans, CoVid magically infects all the unvaccinated people in Aldi and threatens to kill the vaccinated by spreading it to single dose to quadruple dosed alike.

My friend was having none of it. He forgot to bring cash with him, so when he was refused service he raised a stink. When the manager came and still refused to serve him he took the bottles and walked out of the store. The store called the police to report theft and the manager followed him to his car. My friend put the bottles in his car, went to the cash point and withdrew some money, went and changed that money in the chemist then walked back to Aldi and filmed himself putting $10 cash on the counter to pay for his booze (he has found that a small glass of Port often works better than sleeping tablets- otherwise he doesn’t drink).

How much courage was that? Police have been called and he walked back into the shopping centre, gets the cash, walks back to Aldi. Not knowing if security or police would be on him before he completed his task.

Now he is paying the price for his courage. Two hours on the phone with me trying to calm his anxiety down whilst still not wavering in his determination to not bow down to tyranny.

So what’s your fucking excuse?

You can find Stephen Wells at Telegram and purchase his books here.