Darwin installed Chinese face monitoring technology in 2019


We are all familiar with the fact that so much of the global Covid Tyranny network was planned years if not decades in advance.

Two obvious examples of this include Event 201 held in October 2019, during which globalist elites simulated decision making during a global pandemic, and Daniel Andrews’ selling out the entire state of Victoria to the Strong Cities Network in 2018, which helped to develop the system which coordinated the mass deployment of riot police throughout Melbourne to quell protests during lockdowns in 2020 and 2021.

Incredibly, the Northern Territory capital Darwin also appears to have prepared for the plandemic pre-2020.

From Life Hacker, April 30, 2019:

The Chinese government’s desire to ensure social control is well known with its “social credit’ monitoring system the stuff of nightmares for those of us accustomed to personal freedom. But part of the software used by the Chinese government is now being exported and found a customer in the City of Darwin.

The City of Darwin has been looking at adopting smart city technology and has decided to implement facial recognition software and other monitoring solutions in order to detect anomalous behaviour or if a known criminal or someone banned from entering a specific area.

The software will then alert authorities who can intercede when someone traverses what the council is calling a “virtual fence”.

It all sounds like a good idea except that it will be scanning everyone’s face. And that’s a rich treasure trove of data that could be used in all sorts of ways.

Initially reported by The NT News, the council’s Innovation, Growth and Development Services general manager Josh Sattler said the system will use cameras and other sensors to monitor who is moving around and what they are using their smartphones for.

“(It will tell us) where people are using Wi-Fi, what they’re using Wi-Fi for, are they watching YouTube etc, all these bits of information we can share with businesses … we can let businesses know ‘hey, 80 per cent of people actually use Instagram within this area of the city, between these hours’.

Frankly, I find this a scary step further down the road of a surveillance state. With the city’s desire to use data from WiFi networks commercially and, potentially, other purposes, it reinforces my view that there is no safe public WiFi if you value privacy.

I have heard that Darwin is a haven for people trying to get away fro things, if you know what I mean.

Darwin. Nowhere will you find a greater hive of scum and villainy.

However, this goes byond all proportion for a city with a population of 161,481. That’s half the size of Wollongong.

There is simply no need for any of this. One explanation is that the NT government intends to turn its “jurisdiction” into a testing ground for forcing a segment of the population into gulags on the grounds of public safety, and if they can get away with it then the policy will be expanded to cover other segments of the population in other “jurisdictions”.

If you think this sounds crazy, you need to explain why a glorified country town at the top end of a desert really, really needs a sophisticated face recognition surveillance network bought from a communist dictatorship.

Without sounding crazy.

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