A Message For Dissident Youth


From Patriotic Alternative.

By Steppanwulf

Warrior Ethics and the Heroic Zest for Struggle: Key Characteristics of the New European Vanguard

The purpose of struggle can be summed up on the basis of a simple, yet immensely robust, worldview: all that which is considered cherishable on earth was conceived with blood. Thus it is absolutely imperative that in order to successfully endure the struggle in effectively standing against the liberal globalist agenda, the European men of the future must first possess the ability to not just adequately and consistently fight these impending battles, but also relish fighting them. For indeed the exemplary European warrior does not engage in conflict to cease future conflicts; on the contrary, he delights in the prospect of asserting his rightful dominance of his homeland, his own native space. For how else can life be perceived as being anything but a constant struggle for existence, the maintenance of one’s will to power – or, more fundamentally, one’s simple will to live?

The natural life-law of perpetual struggle and conflict extends to every conceivable aspect of life, as all living beings – every man, animal, and plant – must continually strive for existence; for optimal health and vitality of mind, body, and spirit. It is not a radical assessment, then, to presuppose the ubiquity of struggle as being endemic to humanity. This conception of the natural life-laws is cardinal to cultivating an indomitable worldview of the new – psychologically hardened and battle-ready – men of the future. The leaders of a stronger, healthier, and brighter political-economic Zeitgeist: the future intellectual Vanguard of Europe.

The natural life-law of struggle and perpetual conflict is not, however, merely conceived as a vacuous vindication of violence and unrelenting aggression for its own sake, for the new European warrior’s high-minded ideal of self-discipline is not merely to inflict unavailing punishment upon himself – nor even his natural enemies – but to produce a greater inner strength with which he can endure the ever-increasing hostility by virtue of riding the rapaciously turbulent tiger of modernity. Liberal modernity providing man with material comforts and convenient luxuries does not imply an end to the necessity of ascetic virtues and a stoical attitude of life, for never have such ideals been of more dire importance. Indeed, the sheer listlessness of the modern day sheds light on this fact, for the disconcertingly rapid decline of all notions of warrior-like pride, honour, and chivalric virtues demonstratively signals a glaring lack of proactive, masculine principles in the Western world today.

The new European warrior is enticed by whatever appeals to his spiritual nature; the modern consumer, conversely, his bodily needs and desires. Indeed, if the latter’s implacable desire for external consumption were to be thwarted even momentarily, he will cease control of his own life, for his existence is primarily bound to the saline drip through which his mental and emotional well-being is interminably dependent – his immediate surroundings.

Thus the pathological consumer’s intense preoccupation with that which he perceives within his immediate world, his present time and only such, renders him in a passive state from which he would find impossible to extricate, as he is, in a state of self-awareness or not, chained to the arbitrary shackles of the economic conditions of his time. Such a state of living is anathema to the new European warrior, for he shuns with great, passionate fervour the notion of being contentwith present material splendour, as his immediate world is merely a component of his essential being; a simple stepping stone on which his will to achieving overall greatness entices him, that is to say his path to self-overcoming.

During this arduous process of self-mastery by virtue of overcoming, it is always important to remember that a man’s greatest psychological strength is in fact cultivated by his previous suffering, for indeed the perennially revered characteristics of strength, honour, and warlike ardour invariably come at the expense of frivolous material comforts and an incessant, hedonistic pursuit of physiological and psychoactive gratification. Thus by adopting an ascetic, heroic conception of life – a contemporary stoicism for the upcoming social and political Zeitgeist of the 21st century – the new European man, in his preparatory state during this cultural interregnum, is actively developing a profound psychological resilience with which he is optimally equipped to maintain a permanent state of readiness from whence into the future.

It must stand to reason, then, that if any one generation of young, bright, virile, and physically fit European men are unprepared for war in any context – indeed if they are so dismayed by the constant threat of their natural enemies to the capitulatory extent of believing their situation hopeless – they shall ultimately render their respective generations ever bound to the very saline drip of the vapid and grossly degraded metaculture of slave-morality which, arguably, characterises the entire social and political sphere of the Western world today. To quite the contrary, if one is to reverentially echo the sentiment of the late Jonathan Bowden, situations are never hopeless.

Therefore, and with absolute sincerity of conviction, I put forth the notion that for the new European man to successfully lead and subsequently guide his people away from ethnic, cultural, and economic annihilation, he must first develop these very mental characteristics if he is to possess the adequate means by which to effectively combat the increasingly exponential destruction of modernity; for a worldview lacking in self-discipline and a zest for struggle, natural enmity, and perpetual conflict is tantamount to an accelerationist process of individual and cultural suicide. As Thomas Carlyle, Victorian England’s eminent man of letters, astutely observed, “History is but the biography of Great Men.” History never ends.

The ideal warrior of the new European Vanguard must apply his mind, body, and spirit to the cause. Being an exemplary leader of the highest nobility, he courageously assumes the role of immersing himself in the gargantuan, life-affirming task of achieving his higher purpose. He unequivocally views it as paramount to overcome his petty human weaknesses, which is to say the propensity towards idle, downward-spiralling in favour of apathy and empty, instantaneous comfort typical of the vigourless and weakened psyche of contemporary Western man, in order to truly awaken the long-too somnolent, aristocratic and warlike spirit which once innately characterised, and so in this instance potentially unifies, all European peoples.

Thus the leaders of the 21st century Vanguard instinctively understand that to evade the reality of the relentless struggle in standing firm, resolute and steadfast for their people is to willingly relinquish the absolute moral duty to protect and preserve the ineffable beauty of Europa.

“Your enemy shall ye seek; your war shall ye wage; and for the sake of your thoughts! And if your thoughts succumb, your uprightness shall still shout triumph thereby!” – Thus Spoke Zarathustra