XYZ Live #116 – 9 Reasons Why Extreme Neo-Naughty Ray Ray’s should Scare YOU!


On Monday night, Matty’s Modern Life and I dismantled a shoddy piece of journalism from the Herald Sun. The purportedly “far fight Murdoch” newspaper presented a bunch of young nationalists who have been engaging in peaceful, real life activism such as leaflet drops and banner posting while taking sensible precautions to protect their identity, as a dangerous gang of violent, revolutionary thugs.

You can understand then, why we took such glee at the news that Buzzfeed journalists are losing their jobs. The sooner that every mainstream media journalist in Australia is learning to code, the better.

Matty also covered the latter topic on Sunday evening.

Monday night is livestream night. Join David Hiscox and Matty’s Modern Life as they discuss the politics of the week at 9:00 pm AEDT. You will find us at Matty Rose Live.