The Uncuckables Ep. 24: The Queen Saves Brexit

Remember kids, The Empire did nothing wrong.

When is democracy undemocratic? When the left lose a democratic vote.

The British parliament has spent the last three years doing everything it can to deny the will of the British people by preventing Brexit, which the people of Britain voted for. This by definition makes the British parliament undemocratic, which by definition makes the suspension of parliament to prevent its further obfuscation a very democratic act indeed.

Remember kids, The Empire did nothing wrong.

Don’t expect the far left to see it this way, though.

In this episode of The Uncuckables, David Hiscox argued that suspending the British parliament was a good first step. From there, Boris Johnson, wih the ascent of Queen Elizabeth, should suspend it indefinitely and put the entire British ruling class on trial for treason.

Christian activist Joel Jammal joined us last night and we also discussed abortion, transgender legislation, Amazon Fires, the death penalty for pedophiles and whether Lebanese are wogs.

The Uncuckables livestreams between 8:30 and 10:00 pm AEST every Thursday evening. Find us at YouTube and join the chaos that is the live chat.