Lifestyles of the radical feminist lesbians


So the legend goes, when you open Pandora’s Box then uncontrollable events are released. The lesson to be learned is that you don’t mess with systems or traditions whose underlying purpose and reason for existence may have superficially escaped you. In other words, you’re a lot dumber than you think and you’re certainly not smarter than previous generations who knew a thing or two.

I was reminded of this cautionary tale while reading an article where The Other McCain explains his attendance at a recent event titled, “The inequality of the equality act: concerns of the Left.”

Then I looked up from my notebook and saw a group of women about to sit right in front of me. One of them looked familiar.

“Excuse me, ma’am — are you Lierre Keith?” I asked.

Indeed, it was her. It boggled my mind that this radical environmentalist from Deep Green Resistance was at the Heritage Foundation, but we’re living in strange times, in which lesbians are being driven out of gay organizations because they won’t toe the “inclusive” party line.

The inclusive party line concerns the collective madness that is transgenderism and the real and unavoidable tragedy is that it’s affecting the kids.

“Their stories are heartbreaking,” Ms. Chavez said, before reading an email from a mother whose daughter — “a smart, quirky teen on the autism spectrum” — began identifying as transgender at age 13 while attending a school “where several students were already on hormones and one had a mastectomy at the age of 16.” The mother said she had been “living this nightmare for over four years.… Parents who do not support their child’s gender identity risk being reported to Child Protective Services and possibly losing custody of their children.”

At the link you will find a video of the entire panel discussion on the subject. Listening to one radical feminist lesbian speak about the pain she is going through while her young teenage daughter demands to be able to transition to a male, I couldn’t help thinking that you reap what you sow. These women helped to open Pandora’s Box. They contributed to the tearing down of the family unit for no better reason than they could and they desired to do so.

But you mess with long held traditions at your peril. If you tear apart something as fundamental as the family unit then you better have something really astonishing to replace it. Because if you don’t then a vacuum is going to be created and it will be filled by whatever or whoever is opportunistic enough to take advantage of such a situation. These feminists ostracized fathers and fatherhood. We were told that their daughters didn’t need no stinking fathers. And now they’re sitting on a panel and they’re all emotional because their teenage daughters want to cut off their breasts and somehow become boys, perhaps to become the fathers that they never had.

The transsexual mental disease cult has been unrelenting in its bulldozing aside of all parties in order to establish for itself a foothold of respectability. These lunatics care not for any individual; in fact the more that they warp and infect the general population the better for them, and children are their preferred targets because kids are susceptible. They are evil made manifest but the ground for the evil to sprout was tilled long ago.

It was tilled by radical lesbian feminists, among others. Just what sort of secure home life does a radical feminist lesbian mother create for her daughter? It comes as no surprise to me that the children of these idiots are desperately searching for their own boundaries. But without any guidance the boundaries that these poor children latch onto will be very random indeed, and as I have already said they are particularly susceptible to the deep evil that is the transsexual environment.

For the children swept up in this madness I have the deepest sympathy. But for their radical feminist lesbian mothers all that I can think is what the hell else did they expect to happen? If you tell your daughter that she can be anything that she wants to be while you set an example yourself of being a radical feminist lesbian, don’t be surprised if your daughter one-ups you. Perhaps the heavy handed tactics of the Child Protective Services are understandable. Can you honestly say that you’re a fit parent if you find yourself in this situation? Things like this don’t happen by chance.

These women directly contributed to the dismantling of the family unit but they forgot that they would have family units too, and nobody is exempt from the natural laws that govern us all. They foolishly and willfully opened Pandora’s Box and now they and their unfortunate children are reaping the consequences. But watching that panel discussion the thing that struck me the most was the ignorance of these women. They are still proud radical feminist lesbians. They have simply no conception that their personal ideologies and lifestyles are the direct cause of all of their troubles. They have learned nothing at all.

This article was originally published at, where Adam Piggott publishes regularly and brilliantly. You can purchase Adam’s books here.