Be the best feminist male ally that you can be


What’s the secret in the crazy world of modern dating to dealing with young women raised on a diet of feminism, ingratitude, and believing they are firmly on the pedestal? Is it to listen to their every word and supplicate at their feet, hoping for a few sexual scraps to be thrown your way? Or is it to be the alpha male chad, ploughing through the babes as you make hundreds of bed notches; you are the cock carousel.

Or perhaps there is a third way, a more enlightened way. Where you not only embrace your inner male feminist but you raise the ante and double down, taking it to places that it was never intended or ever imagined to go. After all, women might have invented feminism but we all know that if something needs doing properly then it will have to be a man that goes out and does it.

And so I give you the new hero for our times. Gentlemen, may I present to you the very best male feminist ally that there has ever been.

Here’s a story of a Male Feminist Ally on a date.

The Feminist Male Ally is HUGE fan of Gamergate troll and formerly relevant person Anita Sarkesian (@femfreq or Feminist Frequency) — a nigh-psychotic feminist who rants endlessly about anti-feminist “tropes” in videogames, like female characters being attractive and having breasts.

This guy ruins a date because he can’t stop talking about feminist and gay-friendly tropes in TV shows and Anita Sarkesian’s entire oeuvre.

Meanwhile the poor woman is like, “OMG, what a sissy drip, he’s going to start menstruating any second and then we’ll be cycle sisters.*”

Is it that bad? Well like I said, it depends on how you look at it. Sure he comes off as amazing soy boy beta cuck of the year. When you say things on a date like “there should be more empowered non-sexualized female characters in AAA video games” it does affect your manliness credibility somewhat. But as Ace notes in the link, in a way this guy dumped her. He tested her and she came up short. He didn’t want to have sex with her because her feminist credentials were found to be wanting. There’s a kind of perverted genius there if you think about it.

I am of the opinion that it could be taken even further. Surely there is amongst you young men someone who could take this to even greater extremes. And secretly record it. You could be the new hero for our times. And in the process finally reveal to women the utter lunacy and ludicrousness of their feminist fantasies. Just think about it; a video where a young man goes all-in on feminist jargon and the look of disbelief and disgust on the girl’s face, and then he dumps her for failing to meet up to his feminist ideals.

That’s some powerful shit right there if you play it right.

This article was originally published at, where Adam Piggott publishes regularly and brilliantly. You can purchase Adam’s books here.