Stalemate or suicide? Sweden Democrats make small gain


Sweden went to the polls on the weekend with a chance to save itself. The Swedes didn’t exactly come out with flying colours:

“Sweden faces weeks of political upheaval after an election in which the two main blocs finished neck and neck, with both insisting yesterday they would ignore the third-largest party, the far-right Sweden Democrats.

“About 300,000 overseas votes are still to be counted, which could tip the balance of power after the ruling centre-left bloc gained 40.6 per cent of the vote and the centre-right alliance 40.2 per cent.

“But it is clear that huge uncertainty remains over whether Sweden will have a minority government or how the two main blocs will work to form a functioning government if they insist on isolating the anti-immigrant, anti-EU Sweden Democrats.

“Results so far translate into 144 seats for the centre-left bloc, 143 for the centre-right alliance and 62 for Sweden Democrats.

“Sweden Democrats captured 17.6 per cent support, up from 12.9 per cent at the last election four years ago, illustrating how the backlash to the 2015 migration crisis and dissatisfaction with the EU continue to gain momentum.”

Typical Mainstream Media hack job. Sweden’s Social Democrats are not “far-right”. The ruling “centre-left” bloc is in fact far-left.  And this is from the so-called “evil Murdoch press”.

It is also a little misleading to paint the stats as 144:143:62, as the blocs are made up of smaller parties. The Social Democrats are the 3rd biggest party in Sweden, double the size of the fourth biggest.

As usual, the parties of treachery refuse to work with the party which actually cares about preserving their own country.

But at the very least, the pro-Sweden Social Democrats may be able to exert some influence over what could be a very unwieldy establishment coalition. They will have to deal with them.

Vox Day isn’t so optimistic, though:

“As someone once pointed out, Swedes today are the descendants of the guys who were too scared to go off and viking. So, perhaps the planet will be better off without them, if they are so determined to be overrun and genetically disappeared in the same way the Danes of the erstwhile English Danelaw were. The results of the election today, in which the nationalists fell far short of the 30 percent support I had predicted they would receive:

* Social Democrats – 28.4%
* Moderates – 19.8%
* Sweden Democrats – 17.6%
* Centre Party – 8.6%
* Left Party – 7.9%
* Christian Democrats – 6.4%
* Liberal Party – 5.5%
* Green Party – 4.3%

“Then again, no serious observer believes that the West is going to save itself through the ballot box. That being said, while 17.6 percent is a disappointment for the Sweden Democrats, it is a significant increase over the 12.9 percent support it previously held. And the behavior of the new government, whether it is of the Left or of the nominal Right, is almost certain to ensure the continued growth of support for the nationalists.

“I tend to suspect that it was the SD’s retreat on a strong anti-immigration position that caused them to underperform. Remember, it is always the bold Reagans and Thatchers who overperform, the cautious Bushes and Majors who underperform.”

On that note, keep your eyes on Alternative for Sweden. They are a young party, and a party of the young. They want to outright deport immigrants. And they know how to get the right attention:

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