9 year old Australian girl refuses to stand for National Anthem


Big news in Australia this week was some snot-nosed brat refusing to stand for the National Anthem at her school, which rightly disciplined her but then faced the wrath of the SJW hordes on social media. The precocious prodigy is 9 years old, and her reason for disrespecting the National Anthem was rather advanced for someone of her age.

“The reason why I don’t sing it or stand is because Advance Australia Fair means advance White Australia,” Harper told Brisbane’s The Courier-Mail. “When it says we are young it completely ignores the fact that indigenous culture was here for over 50,000 years before colonisation.”

What an extraordinary thing for a 9 year old girl to say. If I think back to what I was saying at the same age it was probably about which model army figure set I wanted for my birthday, (German mountain troop infantry!)

Here is a photo of the young lass:

SJWs … they make ’em young.

Now granted that she has a face which I am sure every young boy in her class just wants to punch. But still, I can’t see her coming up with this sort of nonsense all on her own. And seeing as the school disciplined her for her actions, where then does the fault for such indoctrination reside?

Well, here’s a photo of her parents:

Don’t you just love her father posing for an official press photo of this nature without wearing any shoes with his jeans? It’s just so woke I consider myself asleep in comparison!

It should also come as no surprise to hear that her self-satisfied parents fully standby and support their daughter’s actions. Which is entirely understandable seeing as I have no doubt whatsoever that they’re the ones responsible for filling her young head with such nonsense.

I am also quite certain that Australian aborigines must be so gratified to hear that a 9 year old white girl is taking up their cause for them. I’m sure that they won’t feel patronized at all by such grandstanding on their behalf.

This is virtue signaling on her parent’s part at their child’s expense. It’s one thing to be a hypocritical shit-lib all on your own, but to brainwash and degrade your own child on a national level has to be a real step forward in the SJW world. And when you think about the ever-in-flux SJW hierarchy, bleeding heart white dipshits such as these sit right at the bottom level. Perhaps their only real chance to raise their SJW market value was such a display of proxy wokeness through their own child.

What the kid will go through at school when the cameras are turned off is another matter entirely. Her classmates won’t forget her behavior, and neither should they. She will suffer real consequences for the obscene solipsistic behavior of her parents. She is the one that will have to go to school every day while mummy and daddy return blissfully to their own lives, smarmy and content in the knowledge that they are as woke as straight white folk can be.

Even now I can imagine her parents scrutinizing their own genealogy with great enthusiasm as they desperately search for any far-flung ancestor that had the great foresight to muck about in bed with an aborigine. The ultimate bestowal of virtue signaling wokeness will be if they can proudly present their white freckle-faced daughter as being of aboriginal blood. Such events are what SJW dreams are made of.

This article was originally published at https://pushingrubberdownhill.com/, where Adam Piggott publishes regularly and brilliantly. You can purchase Adam’s books here.