Viewer Poll: What nationaility is Sherry Sufi?


Today, Adam Piggott took Australian columnist and Liberal Party policy guy Sherry Sufi to task regarding his criticism of Senator Fraser Anning:

Our old friend Sherry Suki, the new token brown person in The Australian’s opinion pages, has proudly written a piece to educate us white Australians on what our own history is.

“Most Australians were shocked and many upset by his insensitive reference to a “final solution”. There are few more offensive terms imaginable and, as Greg Sheridan wrote yesterday, he either uttered those words with wicked intent or in stunning ignorance. In any case, almost all Australians would no doubt oppose a ­racially discriminatory migration policy.”

No, wrong, no, and fuck no.

On behalf of ordinary Australians everywhere let me set the record straight:

We are not shocked or upset by his use of the words, final solution. If anything we are dismayed that our language is being held hostage by an event that occurred 70 years ago on the other side of the world and which had nothing to do with us.

All up, Adam was quite kind.  He didn’t even get stuck into this nonsense:

“Notwithstanding the Australia that ­Anning may wish for, we can never return to the White Australia policy because there never really was one.”

Too easy, perhaps.  This all reminded us of a conversation The XYZ had with Sherry Sufi last month, in the wake of Adam Piggott’s dissection of another article Sherry wrote for the Australian:

These are not immigrants; they are invaders.

“But as the age-old adage goes: charity begins at home. Self-preservation comes first. The way forward is to scale back our annual intake of legal immigrants from 190,000 to half that.”

No, the intake of legal invaders needs to be reduced to zero. But even more than that, those who are already here, those that have already invaded, they need to go back to where they came.

Anyway, Sherry spoke for quite a while to us, and claimed to have had contact with the National Bolshevik Richard Spencer and TradTHOT Lana Lokteff. He made quite a big deal about Adam’s referral to him as Indian, and denied quite vehemently that he is in fact Indian. This got us wondering; if not Indian, what nationality is Sherry Sufi?

Here are some photos to help you decide:

We’ll leave the rest to you.

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It’s your XYZ.