It seems all the talk about women’s equality can be thrown out the window when Iranians visit your country, especially when your country is run by Labour and the Greens.
On Thursday, NZ Labour MP Jo Luxton was told not to attempt to shake the hands of members of a visiting Iranian agricultural delegation. This advice that puts cultural customs above gender rights was blasted by National Party leader candidate Judith Collins, saying on the AM show:
“When people come here, my view is, they need to adapt into our culture and respect women in exactly the same way.”
“When Kiwis went overseas, they should respect the culture and customs of the home country.”
“If you’re a minister you’re there in the role of a minister, you’re not there in the role of a woman… the role of minister is genderless, and people need to be treated with respect in those roles.”
But in true Left-wing hypocritical style, Green Party MP and Women’s Minister Julie Genter decided women aren’t equal in every situation after all:
“I’m not quite as harsh on people,” she told the AM Show.
“When it comes to shaking hands, different cultures have different practices”.

Genter suggested a respectful alternative, like a bow, would be appropriate.
“We’ve got to try and understand each other.”
This is a great example of how left-wing governments will lecture us on gender equality and the rights of women – that is until a delegation from another culture shows up.
Even though the two male Labour MP’s, in a show of solidarity did not shake the Iranians hands, Their fellow MP Genter would prefer we pandered to the Iranian’s archaic traditions rather than expecting them to respect our customs as we would in their county.
In the hierarchy of Labour/Green PC nonsense, it seems for someone like Women’s Minister Julie Genter, fear of offending another culture takes precedence over women’s equality.
Photo by Samuel Mann