More attacks on Australia by anti-white Leftist politicians

'I hate Australia'. Richard Di Natale, Communist Party of Australia leader.
‘I hate Australia’. Richard Di Natale, Communist Party of Australia leader.

Australian Protectionist Party

Greens leader Richard Di Natale has started a new Cultural Marxist-inspired public campaign — to change the date of Australia Day. And he’s not even going to try and hide his Fabian methodology — whilst acknowledging that whilst a date change won’t happen just yet, “Australia Day will change within the decade”.

Meanwhile, on another front in the Culture War, Far Left part-Aboriginal Labor MP Linda Burney has advocated that Australia no longer celebrate the Queen’s Birthday, and that we replace the holiday with a national holiday to celebrate Australia’s Aboriginal heritage instead. Because apparently, half-caste Linda’s Aboriginal heritage just doesn’t receive enough public reverence or national recognition nowadays…

Of course, these developments are all part of the Leftist Culture War attack on Australia’s hated British heritage, institutions, and British origin people. The plan is simple — to demoralise white Australia, so that white Australia will be weak, isolated, and subservient to the never-ending demands of professional Aboriginal lobbyists like Burney and anti-white anti-Anglos like Di Natale. Destroying our national icons and entrenched public holidays is all part of the Australia-hating Leftist plan to rip us from our roots and to keep demoralising and disempowering white Australians.

It is an attempt to maintain, solidify and impose the new racial hierarchy favoured by toxic Cultural Marxism — with privileged Aborigines at the very top of the food chain, and a demoralised white majority effectively on our knees subservient, and with a grovelling government continuing to pay favour and bow to militant Aboriginal lobbyists.

And of course, every political victory the Leftists win, the more momentum they build, and the more it encourages them to go after more. And so the battle line simply gets pushed back further to the Left, and then the Left just attacks hard again, seeking to impose the next twisted Leftist goal.

The only way to stop the Left attacking our icons like Australia Day or our Sovereign’s Birthday is to stand fast. Fight hard. Protect what’s ours. Give no ground. Do not capitulate, don’t retreat. Don’t give an inch. Do not surrender. Not Australia Day. Not the Monarch’s Birthday. Stop Cultural Marxism from advancing — and expose its completely toxic anti-white agenda.

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Photo by The Victorian Greens