How Herod Might Be Advised, If The Advent Of Christ Were To Take Place Today


Here’s how a committee meeting between Herod and his advisers might sound, if such a meeting were to take place in a Western context today:

This baby foretold is a threat to us! We, the undersigned, hereby agree with Herod’s genocide of all new born male Hebrew children. For by this child’s very existence in this world, all the power structures that surround him stand unprotected. He is a threat to our safe spaces, our glorious revolution and its leaders.

This nativity; the event of the Christ-child’s birth is nothing but a conservative conspiracy, comrades! It is violence against everything we stand for, which is surely justification enough for its violent suppression.

His existence is an outright repressive assault on everything we’ve built; everything we want people to believe in.

This blasphemy toward the State must not go unpunished. We’ve heard of the academics; how these so-called wise-men cheated you. Traitors to our glorious academic industrial complex, all of them. Therefore, any who refuse to give up this child’s location should be tried and tortured. Treated like the vermin, we say they are.

It’s their kind that hinders us from completely implementing the way of our glorious leaders. The way of our glorious revolution. We should continue to seek to replace structures we deem oppressive with our own. Tear them down. This child is a threat!.

“State power must be exercised in all spheres, even in that of thought!” [i] “For what we do is for the good of the people”, “we know what’s best for them better than they know themselves”.

Our collective’s survival rests on our ideas dominating the higher ground in the hearts of the people. Those who still have sway with the young, and yet betray us must be purged!

First of all, this birth represents heteronormative oppression and we must rally people to take up arms against it. He who says that God became man is guilty of hatred towards women. It is said that the husband, one carpenter by the name of Joseph, has wed this woman, Mary, under strange circumstances. As it has been told to us by reliable sources, this Joseph is said to have been given the task of caring for the child by Angels. If this gets out, it will reinforce the evils of patriarchy and it will perpetuate the lie that claims healthy child rearing at its best involves both a man and a woman; a father and a mother.

This male Christ-child and the nativity scene itself must be painted as an evil idea, constructed to further the chains of bigoted societal norms.

That is why this strange birth; these chosen people; these breeders, are an assault on our humanity.

At its heart is a war against phobic misrepresentations empowering archaic social constructs, designed to unhinge us from progress. For the betterment of humanity; for our evolution, we must have control and influence of hearts and minds, which as we’ve agreed, has to happen first with our educational institutions. Our science is the only science. What we say is scientific fact, is scientific fact. After all, we fund our scientists well, and their loyalty to our agenda is off the charts.

Secondly, how dare this woman, Mary, choose to keep her unexpected pregnancy! Worst of all, she claims to have been chosen by God!

This must not go unpunished!

Their religious beliefs are phobic, sexist and irrational. So, we the committee applaud your decision. We’ve even lined up celebrity endorsements to back us on how necessary and just this action is. This woman’s pregnancy and this prophecy is a farce, therefore this child’s life should be deemed not worthy of life.

If only she could have seen the freedom we offer her, the same freedom we’ve given all women, you wouldn’t have had to act as you have. Mary is to wear the blame for forcing your hand, dear Herod, not you.

Therefore, let nothing sway you. Your decision to wipe out males up to the age of two will save us and make certain we have eliminated this threat to peace and our civil order. It is a surgical act of great compassion, liberating your people from impostors.

We are the victims here!

This young woman’s choice disempowers women. Her choice undermines our choice for women. If she gets away with it, what does our lack of response say about our pro-abortion policies and how will that negatively impact the millions in funding flowing into our abortion on demand factories? We must at all cost uphold our feminist ideals.

Social media polls suggest support for reinforcing or commitment to feminism. Killing every Hebrew male under the age of two is the only way to reassure those people that you, Herod, and your council, remain committed to social justice programs that favour those we deem to be the oppressed, and eliminate those we deem to be the oppressors.

This nativity and its proclamation before everyday people is a threat to us. It will inspire ignorant non-conformists and counter cultural activists to disobedience. Worst of all it will inspire unity and solidarity amongst those we seek to control for their own benefit.

Make no mistake, this child will work against us! He will stand as a threat to our factories, our causes, and he will take away our ability to convince the people about how necessary it is for them to have us in power. Only you can be called King. There can be no other!

The raising up of anyone against the glorious progressive collective must be met with ridicule, shaming, or gaol time. This rise of a King of kings must not be allowed to happen.

We want our ideas to reign. We want a peaceful society in harmony with the peaceful religion we’ve created and authorised. We want our people to be thankful for the live-life-our-way programs. We have no room for a Prince of peace, we have a religion of peace; there is no room for a “King of Kings” who commands us to live life His way.

This is what real violence looks like! It is violence towards the collective. Violence against the state!

All who disagree with this are traitors, haters and infidels! Anyone not thinking along with us, is against us.

We’re told that the prophecy of Isaiah has been fulfilled, that this child is a saviour.

The quiet proclamation announcing the birth of a Jew; a baby boy from Judea is ethnocentric; it’s offensive to other races. It propagates the legitimacy of Israel’s existence, and threatens our power on the world stage.

If not stopped, this manger baby will lead a revolution. This Christ-child is a threat to us all.

We must not stop showing a unified stand against this blatant display of contempt for our leadership. Our glorious revolution depends on it, and our glorious leaders command it to be so!

Organise the outrage! Send out the murderous minions and shut down all this unlicensed good cheer. The party must not be seen to approve of this unsanctioned movement. Stop the early rumblings of this pathetic prophetic Jesus movement.

How will we survive if the people are encouraged to think for themselves?

You must act. Remember all who oppose you are tyrants!

Long may our party, its leader and its ideas reign.

This article was originally published at


This is a hypothetical response created for the purpose of highlighting how some in the West respond to Jesus Christ. How within that response rests a resistance to Him who still confronts us in our own positions of power.

For the recount of an historical response of someone in power to the birth of Jesus Christ, see Matthew 2:16-18

[i] Weil, S. 1936, Oppression & Liberty p.109 Routledge & Kegan Paul 1958.