Today is the last day to enroll enrol for the gay marriage postal vote


As most XYZ readers are highly informed about politics, this little post may be superfluous. Just in case you missed it, to participate in the postal vote on gay marriage, the cut-off to be correctly enrolled with the Australian Electoral Commission is at midnight today, August 24.  From the AEC website:

You are eligible to enrol if you:

  • are an Australian citizen, or eligible British subject,
  • aged 18 years and over, and
  • have lived at your address for at least one month.”

If you are eligible to vote but living overseas, you can get details here.

Regarding what you will need:

“To enrol for the first time or get back on the roll, you can enrol online.

“You will need to provide evidence of your identity. You can use your driver’s licence, Australian passport number or have someone who is enrolled confirm your identity. Please note that the AEC cannot accept any other forms of identification, such as 18+ or Proof of Age cards.”

You can take care of everything by following the links in the AEC website, linked at the start of this post, and again here.

We encourage you to do so on your boss’s time.

Photo by dionhinchcliffe