Is tolerance toward sex with school boys a part of gay culture?


An Australian website funded with your tax money has been found to be promoting what could be construed as questionable relationships.

From The Australian:

“A digital news site that provides gay men with tips on picking up at the gym, improving their Grindr rating and reviews for kinky sex toys was established with a federal government grant intended for health promotion.

“Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt has ordered an urgent review of the Emen8 website, a joint initiative of ACON (formerly the AIDS Council of NSW) and the Victorian AIDS Council, after The Australian brought to his ­attention its sexually explicit content. The site includes at least one reference to schoolboys engaging in sex acts with older men.

“A recent Emen8 article titled “Who’s the perfect daddy for you?” provides an analysis of the relationships that can occur between mature and younger men. It asks: “Does your fantasy include some condomless after-school action with your papa”, despite the site being restricted to adults.”

Then, the awkward moment when one’s defence merely proves the point:

“Chief executive Nicolas Parkhill yesterday defended the site, saying the organisation was confident it was in accordance with the original tender specifications.

“In order to effectively target this at-risk population group, the tone and voice of some articles on the site need to reflect their culture, interests and behaviours; the language resonates,” he said.”

Some may rightly see the exposure of Milo Yiannopoulos via a hit video, where he made jokes about his sexual abuse at the hands of an adult homosexual priest, as just desserts for someone who tried to hitch his name to the alt-right (a movement which sees at least two aspects of his identity as problematic) for his own benefit.

The scandal raised the question: Was Milo ritually crucified for saying abhorrent things, or because he exposed the attitude towards such relationships in the homosexual community so casually and publicly? The thing is, examples such as this keep popping up.

The following is the abstract from Pedophilia and the Gay Movement, by Theo Sandfort, published in the Journal of Homosexuality, 18/10/2010:

A history of literature and views existing within the COC (Cultural and Recreational Center), the major Dutch organizations of homosexual men and women, regarding pedophilia and its relationship to homosexuality are discussed, beginning with definite separation between the pedophile and homosexual identities and ending with an abolishment of oppression towards pedophilia, for which the COC is in part responsible. The article argues that the homosexual identity is by no means a ôconstantö but a fluid identity, based on societal views and conditions. By accepting pedophilia, the COC hopefully will broaden the idea of the gay identity.”

More remarkably candid abstracts can be read here, here, and here.

The push by the homosexual lobby to lower the age of consent is also well documented.

These examples have been gleaned from only about half an hour of googling. It’s not like abuse doesn’t happen in the 98% of the community which is heterosexual, and it doesn’t mean there aren’t homosexuals who are horrified by it. But the point is that revelations regarding the actual attitudes in the homosexual community towards this keep ocurring, and we’re expected not to notice.