The Free Market of Ideas Eats It’s Greens

The treacherous Andrew Bartlett, during his time as a Democrat, opposing Australia's national day.

Well, they say things come in threes. Now it appears that the Greens may lose a third senator to a collosally incompetent oversight that speaks volumes not only about the attitude of the party toward our constitution, but also toward the reality that lies beyond their pie in the sky touchy freely policies.

The treacherous Andrew Bartlett, during his time as a Democrat, opposing Australia’s national day.

As XYZ editor David Hiscox astutely observed, such an oversight is hardly surprising coming from a party that doesn’t believe in the concept of borders, or in race as anything other than a social construct except in the case of Caucasians, who aren’t a social construct in the eyes of the party of Bob Brown, but something akin to typhoid or cancer.

What we are seeing is quite simple. Cultural Marxist and Post-Modernist concepts being road tested in the free market. These concepts function quite acceptably on a university campus, much like the theory of a Wiccan who believes that she can fly on a broomstick, but prefers to stay bogged down in the theory of what might be instead of testing the principle by buying a straw broom from Bunnings and stepping off the nearest tall building.

As we’ve seen, you can dedicate a lifetime to pretty much any kind of theory on a university campus without ever having it tested or challenged. Many a student has eked away years of their life studying the most utopian version of society imaginable, and of course their thesis on said society makes for an attractive proposition. The problem arises when the theory is put into practice in the outside world.

Thankfully, we’re yet to see any Greens policies fully tested in the free market at the expense of the rest of us. But these people clearly have such scant regard for such obvious basic checks and balances that there is no reasonable argument as to why they should be allowed anywhere near policy decisions.

Three have been caught out. That’s a lot. Even if they were a major party it would be a lot. We can only assume that if the rest of the party were dual citizens, they’d have a similar lackadaisical attitude toward government legislation and also be out on their ear.

A mealy-mouthed argument has been made that it is unfair. That it isn’t that big of a deal. An RSA is required for anyone serving liquor in every state and territory in Australia. If a bartender didn’t bother to attain his or her RSA because they believed it to be trivial or unnecessary, they would not only be shown no mercy by OLGR, their qualifications to handle even the most basic requirements of their job description would be called into question.

This is a clear cut case of the touchy-feely scourge of post-modern leftism taking on reality and getting a bloody nose. The Greens can believe that the science is settled, gender is a social construct, and even that citizenship or ethnicity is irrelevant. But as we’ve seen this past week, you can’t outrun the reality of the free market of ideas that lies beyond the university gates in the real world.

The Free Market of Ideas can be unforgiving when you aren’t prepared for it. It tends to clear the plate pretty effectively, and unlike a belligerent child, it seems that the free market of ideas isn’t averse to eating it’s greens.

It’s your XYZ.

Photo by David Jackmanson