Politics of Crime: Is it ever OK to make light of a Black Criminal?


Peter Parker

Recently an Australian MSM publication reported on a sickening and disgraceful torture video. The video depicted a white male who apparently had special needs being abused and heckled by the torturers. While the full-length of the video was not available on the website, what can only be described as the most horrific aspect of the horror story was the fact that it was streamed using the Facebook ‘live’ feature. The part that goes somewhat unreported was the appearance of the alleged offenders.


The supposedly downtrodden, left behind, poor us, and every other sympathise-with-us adjectives you can think of. These people bound, gagged, abused, belittled and humiliated a white man with special needs. At no stage does the victim appear to fight back; all you can see is him cowering in fear, trapped in the corner of the room at the location he was taken.

One must ask the following questions: Where are the Black Lives Matter Activists, with their, “Black people are innocent creatures struck down by white men,” lines? Where are Obama supporters, and Obama’s “we’re all equal” spiels? Where are the SJWs and their White Patriarchy rhetoric?

At the end of the day, the only two alleged offenders we can see are a black female (whom one could only describe as drug- and alcohol-affected) who rambles on about getting more drugs and calling to her friends, and another male who also is black. His taunting and bullying of the victim (“Say f— Trump, say it”) and lifting him by the jumper while the victim whimpers, smacks of double standards.

You can only wonder aloud of the Leftist Media outcry if the roles were reversed. The suppression of the description of the alleged offenders only shows how far we have fallen in the ultra we-can’t-speak-the-truth-in-case-we-start-a-riot Politically Correct Censorship world. Their silence on this story is nothing short of disgraceful, so much so is the influence of the Left that we can’t even mention black offenders without the potential “racist” label being flung out.

If the offenders were white with a black victim, you could only imagine the riots and calamity in Chicago, a city with a high proportion of black people, and a hive for the Black Lives Matter Movement. There would have been a final televised message from soon-to-be-ex-President Obama. SJW’s and general white apologists would have shamed us all as indicative of the Patriarchy.

Yet a group of black people, both male and female, have forever changed an innocent special needs man’s life; I doubt he will ever leave the house alone again.

Thankfully, the police have taken these low-lives into custody for further questioning. Yet even then they would not release any details of these people. Smacks of “let’s not rock the boat”..

We must all be questioning why our values have fallen so far that this happened in a Western country such as America. Even worse, we must openly wonder whether it has become the norm to suppress alleged criminals’ descriptions when it doesn’t suit the political swing of the day. It obviously is not representative of black people, but censoring and half telling the truth only erodes the confidence of the people.

The people are getting fed up with it as well. It’s stories such as these that are the reason for the rise of Trump in America, Brexit in England, PVV in the Netherlands, and closer to home, the rise of Pauline Hanson and the incessant talk of Cory Bernadi splitting the Liberal Party. The left despise these movements; however, they only have themselves to blame.