Marxist Seppuku


XYZ Resident Poet, Steve B

In the next great world-wide disaster
A distant dream to many, but ever approaching faster
The churches will then with the fearful be packed,
And Marxist values discarded at the dump will be stacked

The gods of Marxism will be seen for what they are
A mute powerless testament to a society that strayed far
Away from the principles that made it great
By destroyers of traditional values, delivering implacable hate

You cannot pray to the god of gender
The power of diversity won’t save us from the bender
Of the debt you accrued and that you must now pay
Because equality gods have damp feet of clay

The filth is vile that the Marxist haters proclaim
The destruction of all that is good, their sole aim
The tearing away of the spiritual being
Their eyes wide open but their minds unseeing

Rooted in the safety and comfort that Western society affords
They swing their ideologically-correct double-edged swords
Too blind, too stupid, too stubborn to realise
They also will burn in the fires, with the ruin of what they despise