Just How Stupid are Australian Flag Burners?

Communist Lee Rhiannon

The headline above may seem provocative, but after the events leading up to Australia Day this year, the question simply needs to be asked.

Perhaps “stupid” is the wrong term; maybe “ignorant” is a better fit.

Whatever we call it, the staggering blindness as to how their statements and actions are perceived outside their little bubbles is astonishing.

For those living under a rock, my recent prediction about the behaviour of the left leading up to our national day was accurate.

I’m not going to take credit for far-sightedness, however; an elderly, blind, senile rabbit that had just been run over by a bicycle and awarded Australian of the Year could see how much the left enjoys trying to ruin any public display of Australian pride or patriotism.

When power-brokers in the Greens party publicly called not just for their supporters to burn the national flag, but to steal it from someone else first, it wasn’t exactly a shock.

Communist Lee Rhiannon

After all, this is a party which includes amongst its luminaries Senator Lee Rhiannon, who remained an open Stalinist until the Berlin wall came down and still rants about abolishing capitalism and instituting a totalitarian state.

The amazing thing is not that they called on Australians to desecrate our national banner on the day that symbolises the birth of our society.

The amazing thing is that they have no idea how this makes them look to the majority of Australians.

If you read their social media posts, the denizens of the far-left genuinely have no idea how they look to the general public.

Having spent the majority of their lives in environments where people are encouraged to think, act and speak exactly like them, the majority of Australian leftists seem to think that the only people angered by this attack on an emblem of our nation are a discontented, uneducated fringe of evil, white, bogan, redneck racists who are going to die out soon in any case.

My God, I hope no-one educates them.

As I wrote mid last year, there is nothing that the left could do to more alienate them from mainstream Australia than continue with these public tantrums of ostentatious flag igniting.

I remember talking with an immigrant from Latin America who is as left-wing as they come, a union organiser who helped to gather protesters to oppose the Reclaim Australia rallies in Melbourne. When I asked her why she marched with people who burnt the flag of the country that had given her and her family so much, she seemed shocked and refused to believe that her allies would do such a thing. When I showed her the video, she was appalled.

As the campaign by Muslim groups and shadowy Qatari companies to plaster billboards of hijab-clad girls with Australian flag backdrops across the nation shows, many immigrant communities (even arguably hostile ones) don’t want to burn the flag; they want to steal its imagery and re-appropriate it for themselves.

The mostly white, Australian-born, middle class, university-educated leftists hate Australia, having grown up in privileged households in privileged suburbs to privileged families, in a country built by the sweat and blood of the ancestors they are so quick to smugly demonise.

They have no standard for comparison, no conception of what they are standing against or even for. They are midgets sitting comfortably on the shoulders of a giant poking him with a stick and laughing when he flinches.

They preach internationalism, yet almost none of them can speak another language; they talk bravely of themselves as citizens of the world, yet most of them have never poked so much as their noses outside of the tourist zones in Asia and Europe.

Much like the idiots smashing windows, throwing bricks at police and tipping over garbage bins at the Trump inauguration, they have no idea at all how they are perceived by the general public.

How can you blame them? Nearly every journalist for every mainstream media publication from News Corp to Fairfax comes from the same bubble as them, educated by the same teachers as them, living side by side in the same suburbs as them.

When they watch the news or read the paper online, almost every voice confirms their certainties.

I was young, but I still remember the shock of the left when the republican referendum failed, despite total support in every newspaper editorial in the nation, back when newspaper editorials still counted for something.

I remember the same shock when Howard won election after election, even though their lecturers had gravely informed an entire generation of fledgling progressives that he was the next Hitler.

I remember last year when sage heads all knew that Brexit would be defeated, and that Clinton would win in a landslide, and that only a bitter angry rump of uneducated stupid white males disagreed.

Inside the comfort and warmth of their safe spaces, the left are wilfully and blissfully ignorant of the world outside.

I hope and pray they remain that way; it’s the best weapon right-thinking Australians have.

Photo by ryancol55