Yahoo Finally Admit That They Have a Problem


Honesty is a beautiful thing. We see so little of it from the fake MSM that when they show even just a bit, it’s downright hot. Yahoo spent an entire election campaign pretending they were balanced, despite the fact that they donated and coordinated donations of sizeable sums of money to the election campaign of one of the nominees. Now, apparently, they’ve decided to come clean and own their media-shills-for-hire credentials with pride, as evidenced by this very recent Facebook post that surprised approximately nobody.

Le Bron James is an ally. That says it all right there. You’re either #withher or with someone who is literally Hitler, apparently. The first step is admitting you have a problem, and openly admitting that it is an insurgent fake media organisation rather than the fair and balanced reputable media organisation that they pretended to be all this time, is an important admission from Yahoo.

Their stock is falling, and they haven’t been a trusted news source in a good many years. At this point it’s impossible to believe anything that they publish even if they say the sky is blue. At least if they out themselves as not buying into concepts like democracy, journalistic integrity, and avoiding conflicts of interest, their website visitors will be able to digest their coverage through a very clear prism.

It’s your XYZ.

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Eh?nonymous was a thoroughly repellent unemployed social justice warrior until a one in a million glitch in his Facebook account affected the algorithms in his news feed, omitting posts from his much loved left leaning Huffington Post and I F---ing Love Science, and inexplicably replacing them with centrist and conservative newsfeed items that slowly dragged him kicking and screaming into the light beyond the safe space that Mr. Zuckerberg had so carefully constructed for him. It’s a long road to recovery, but every Mark Steyn share he sees in his newsfeed is like another day clean from social justice addiction.