Cowards of the left love the PRC


There is a meme doing the rounds of the dark corners of the internet, making a distinction between how the mainstream media reacted when Barack Obama sold hundreds of millions of dollars worth of military hardware to Taiwan – ie, nothing – and how it lost its proverbial s— when Donald Trump spoke by telephone with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, or as I prefer to put it, President of the Republic of China, Tsai Ing-wen.

Greg Sheridan in The Australian put it more eloquently:

“It is, apparently, perfectly OK for Beijing to militarise a vast swath of the South China Sea, to use military force to occupy atolls over which it has no serious historical claim, to construct artificial islands to host military landing strips, to increase its military spending by more than 10 per cent annually for two decades and, of course, to ruthlessly suppress all dissent at home.

“But for Trump to take a congratulatory phone call from the democratically elected president of Taiwan, who came to office in a clean, fair and peaceful ballot, and who has no aggressive intentions towards anybody — that apparently is the crime of the ages.

“Gimme a break.”

One of the guiding principles of dealing with a bully is that you should not allow them to convince you that you have done something wrong when they react belligerently to your doing the right thing.  Then again, perhaps this is a hint as to why the left and its colluding mainstream media have fallen in step with the Communist government of the so-called “People’s” Republic of China; the left reacts belligerently on a regular basis to conservatives doing the right thing – like knows like.

(I don’t see many “free Tibet” stickers these days..)

It’s your XYZ.