Why I hope Malcolm Turnbull legalises Gay Marriage – and why you should too


“What!” I can hear you splutter.

Has our normally sober, sane and suave contributor Lucas lost his ever-loving mind?

After all, I am on the record here at XYZ as a staunch opponent of the absurdity that masquerades as “Marriage Equality”.

I’m also on the record lambasting Malcolm Turnbull for capitulating time and time again to the left on almost every social issue worth fighting for.

So why would I want Turnbull to break an election promise, betray the entire conservative base and use the power of the state to twist, distort and pervert the institution at the bedrock of human civilisation?

Because I truly believe it might be an avenue to the only thing that can save us: the destruction of the political zombie that is the modern Liberal party.

The noxious, nepotistic, misshapen dwarf that is Nikki Savva floated the subject and suggested this monumental betrayal as a tactical masterstroke in her column for the increasingly irrelevant rag The Australian on Thursday:

“Here’s an idea. Perhaps if Turnbull succeeds on this, as well as with other things that cement his centre-right credentials, it will give him sufficient capital inside the party, with the assistance of the sensible Right, to allow, after a decent interval, a free vote on same-sex marriage. The issue has dropped off the radar now, but it will return with a vengeance, certainly around the time of the next election, and the Coalition needs to have dealt with it by then. Sticking with a plebiscite in the next campaign is untenable.

“Support for SSM is not restricted to the Left, nor is it a priority. But Turnbull needs to show he has authority over his government and, besides that, governing from the centre never hurt.”

I probably don’t need to tell any readers here at XYZ that the tiny goblin-like figure of Savva has a direct line through her husband to the inner circle at the court of King Malcolm.

If she’s saying it, they’re thinking it.

And I for one hope they are.

I don’t believe Lord Malcolm of Wentworthia has a snowball’s chance in Hades of winning the next election; even against the likes of a washed-up hack of a union-lawyer like “Big-girl’s bra” Bill Shorten.

The leftist voters that his allies believed would flock to Turnbull’s banner have stayed with the real thing rather than the pale imitation. The media that slavishly tongue-bathed him for as long as it took to depose Tony Abbott backs him no longer. With Parliament in its current form, the chances of any large reform on which Turnbull could hang his hat are remote to impossible.

He is a lame duck. About all he can do is raise some taxes and push the barrow of the social justice left.

What’s worse, I don’t think Abbott could turn the ship around even if he resumed his perch tomorrow. Without an election loss to clear the decks, he would be rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic while the storm of excrement from a suddenly furious press rained down from above.

I suspect Abbott, no stranger to backroom calculation by any means, has already figured this out, hence his seemingly generous lack of white-anting against the man who usurped his position.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAssuming this is correct and Shorten is almost certain to win the next election, it seems the near-insanity of same-sex marriage is going to be passed without a people’s vote no matter what.

Why not have Turnbull do it now, rip the Liberal Party apart and strengthen the rebellious outsiders in One Nation?

Pauline Hanson’s party looks certain to hold the balance of power in Queensland after the next state poll, and, the odd dodgy candidate aside, its profile will only go from strength to strength.

From his point of view, what better position for Abbott to ride to the rescue than as a force for order, in a party defeated under a leftist leader with turmoil in the ranks, splits in the offing and a growing insurgency on the right?

From the point of view of the rest of us, what better result than to finally have, in the form of a stable and sizable One Nation, our right-wing version of the Greens, acting as a cattle prod to the genitals of the leftists in blue ties that currently dominate what was once the party of Menzies and Howard?

Something needs to change. Having a centre-right party that constantly drifts to the left is gaining us nothing, and ever so slowly losing us everything.

The good news is that as Brexit and Trump have shown us, the left can be beaten; they can be defeated and driven into retreat, squealing and crying to their no-longer-safe spaces.

Change is coming, and if Lord Malcolm making the biggest blunder of his political career since trusting an email from Godwin Grech can be an agent of that change, a spark for the coming revolution, then so be it.

Photo by Steve Daggar