SJW’s increasingly imploding


These are strange times, when the Alt Right, and media like the XYZ, are coming good on their promise to offer an alternative to the progressive mainstream media narrative.

It feels that we might be seeing some strange form of end game.

The examples are so plentiful, I will just focus on a few:

2250899941_8963d33a0a_Hillary-clinton-fireStrong Together: the campaign slogan of a quite ill Killary Hinton. It smacks of cognitive dissonance – like something SNL would comically dream up as satire if it was not completely biased.

We see the mainstream media scambling now for a semblance of credibility, as they have had to run from denials and cover-ups, hinting at conspiracy theories, to begrudgingly talking about a collapsing candidate’s health.

This befits the state propaganda arm of tinpot dictatships – not the media.

The media, by the way, should be professional cynics. They have a duty, if only they could remember or be aware, to act as a check and balance to government, and to society in general.

Of course, this is why many XYZ contributors loved the ABC – its charter, mission and legacy were noble.  But, like so many things in this era of Islamification, it has been hijacked.

It has been hijacked, like the media in general, by the progressive left. The progressive left do activism, masquerading as journalism. Hopefully, the ruse is up.

Imagine a moment where the mainstream media can critique paedophiles running grooming programs in schools. A media that can cut to the truth of topics without fear of all the racist, sexist, islamophophic, bigoted catch cries that shut down free speech and public discourse.

It would strengthen the immune system of Western society itself.

In the interim, we have Sharia’s cousin running the show. Sharia’s cousin is progressive socialism. Like Sharia, it wants to control how we live and think and act. It gives us complete freedom – to say and do what it tells us is God’s will (or progressively approved). The punishment to be outside that is quite extreme.

I loathe both these systems to the core of my being. To openly discuss and critique these will be a fine moment in Western society.

If an ailing Clinton can bring the mainstream media down with her, and aid the rise of Trump’s anti-PC era, then we may actually, truly, become stronger together.

Photo by Bogdan Migulski