Are car companies forcing communism onto their customers?

Thanks, but we’d rather walk.

Are motor vehicle companies forcing communism onto their customers?

Take a look at the recent sales of new cars. They all come out with an amazing colour pallet of glossy paint primer!

For too long the motor industry has been towing the line where customers could choose a range of diverse and really cool colours that would make your head turn.

Now they are doing the desires of their Marxists overlords! No longer will vehicles be attractive or appealing. They will be bland and only used as tools.

“Individuality is frowned upon and we are making customers know their place,” a statement released by Hyundai CEO Chung Mong-koo.

He also was caught on camera stating to his aides that, “the North [Korea] has right idea for population management.”

Comrade Mong-koo has since not been available for comment on his above statement despite the XYZ’s many applications to his office.


Fight the blandness being thrust upon our roads! Choose metallic and CHOOSE COLOURS!*

*Beige is only a colour if you are an accountant.

Photo by tinou bao

Photo by Damian Morys Photography