An XYZ apology


Here at the XYZ we get a fair bit of constructive criticism from the “progressive” left and recent events have caused us to pause and reflect.

When Charlie Hebdo was attacked, we were outraged that drawing a cartoon and engaging in freedom of speech made the magazine a victim of hate-crime carried out by Islamists.

Some “progressive” media were reserved, and said that freedom of speech is important, but we must not offend Islam in our free speech. By transgressing, those who offended Islam had it coming.

It is with a heavy heart that we assess the latest attack in the West – this time aimed at alternate sexual lifestyles. We believe, as libertarians, that everyone is free to engage in consensual adult sexual practices with whomever they want. (Note – Canada, we draw the line at human – animals. Call us racist, but seriously and very literally… what the f—!?).

When we were informed that these freedoms were offensive to Islam we prepared the following apology.

“Dear LGBTIQWERTI community, we support unreservedly your right to be as you are. However, as this is offensive and punishable by death to hundreds of millions of people from the Islamic faith, we ask you to stop being gay for the sake of the religion of peace.”

We then stopped and realised this was mindless hypocrisy – you know, the type of spineless appeasement so many progressive types degraded themselves with after Charlie Hebdo and most Islamic attacks on the West for that matter.

Simply put, we issue this alternative statement. ‪#‎JeSuisPulse‬
