It’s all your fault!


That is the sound bite for the last 16 years.

I was having a good discussion with two friends of mine who are left of the fence, however are actually open to civil political and religious debates. Which, might I say, is a nice change from the usually fingers-in-ears-slogan-shouting individuals I have around me.

We came to a realisation that many of the nonissue issues we have in society are down to focusing on blame – whether it is an individual or group.

If you remember a recent post of mine where I recalled a discussion with a narrow minded leftie who blamed all (white) Australians for the treatment of Aborigines past and present. After I told her about the myriad of processes and systems in place to aid Aborigines she still wasn’t happy about it at all, and furthermore, was unable to give a solution of her own.

The current society we live in is focused so much on putting a fault for anything on someone else without offering a solution; or indeed, taking ownership of self fault (if any), and finally… This is the big one: there is no forgiveness.

The media focuses on slogans like ‘black lives matter’ making whites feel guilty for something they and even their ancestors didn’t do. You’re white, you’re male, you’re right, you’re Christian, you’re a Jew… Whatever it may be: you should feel guilty!

NO! For issues like that we need to forgive and move on. How do people become better when they are made to feel shit for their social status? In this way, the left does exactly what they accuse their opponents of doing.

We discussed this concept around the XYZ office before taking the idea to our faceless-nameless-Jewish overlords for approval and here are some further, less grumpy points on the matter:

“because the ‘right’ is more interested in personal accountability that the left – the left just loves blaming people. To make matters worse, the left has no way of ‘atoning’ sin.

While the right believes in personal responsibility, it also possesses more grace in that mistakes can be forgiven and left in the past. The left can’t do that.”

“It fits into the victim-oppression-blame paradigm. The counterpoint of course is abrogate (personal responsibility) – identify the oppressor and do whatever it takes (think Antifa or black lives matter) to “right the wrong”. Of course, the wrong is western culture, morals and traditions, and to right the wrong is what the regressive left call progress.”

Blame, guilt, blame, guilt.
Forgive and move on.

As my colleague Ryan Fletcher is oft to state: “food for thought.”