What does an “International Day” achieve? Nothing!


Once upon a time the only international day I knew of outside of Christmas/Easter was Saint Patrick’s Day. And the only thing was if I didn’t have something green on me I copped a punch to the shoulder.

Now, every day seems to be an “international day” for something, mostly for minority groups and the once severely oppressed.

And do you know what they do? NOTHING! Absolutely nothing at all!

12959224984_7b31307b65_International-Women-dayWe had International Women’s Day. What did that achieve? Awareness of women… Trust me I know and greatly appreciate that they exist. I don’t need a day to tell me about them. Or should it be that I spoil the significant other? Blokes, if you’re not doing that on a regular basis then you’re doing it wrong.

What has got my blood boiling is this international day, International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia.


You’re trying to change mindsets. An international day won’t do it.

You know what? This is directly to you, you far left of the fence, PC blithering, extremist hugging, self hating Westerner…

If you want to change the world actually do it in the good of someone’s life! Go to Asia, Africa, South America, far north of Australia and actually volunteer in the betterment of life for real people suffering!

Yes there are big homophobes around, but they are few in number, your precious constitution will survive their angry words. But what won’t is a sick child in Africa who doesn’t have access to medical treatment, Christians getting butchered by Muslims, families torn apart by criminals.

I think I have made my point.

Stop being the loud mouth piece for useless causes that won’t benefit anyone and be a mouth piece for an actually better world.

Or just jump off a bridge; either way you will be doing your part.

Photo by infomatique