Greens unite against Paedophobia – Safe Schools to get safer for ageless love


As the election draws nearer, The Greens have stepped up the battle in the key policy matters that affect all Australians.

The Greens made the latest policy announcement at a primary school, with a diverse array of convicted and un-convicted paedophiles in attendance.

“For too long paedophobia has been unchallenged in society. Ouimager schools and neighborhoods have been unsafe spaces for the beautiful acts of love which are so often slurred with the label due to divisive concepts such as ‘statutory rape’, ‘age of consent’ and other hate laws.

The Safe Schools program, and official Greens policy, will be amended to teach that not only is gender a fact determined by self-identification, so too must age of consent in addition to perception of the other’s consent.

Under safe schools, your children and ‘ageless lovers’ as we would like them to be known, will be free from oppression and free from slurs such as ‘paedophile.’

Remember, the elections are a Shorten time away, so be sure to vote Green if you are an ageless lover, in touch with one, or would like to be.