Seriously, we’re not even making this up: Leftie Chalkophobes


The XYZ prides itself on convincing people that this time, those crazy “progressives” really have gone too far, when really, we are just making the whole thing up. But, whether it is Nick Kyrgios being named Australian of the Year, the AFL announcing an Adam Goodes Round, the koran endorsing gay marriage, or multicultural PC idiots trending the hashtag #Dhimmisrus, the reason so many are initially taken in by such tomfoolery is that it is all too believable.

imageIn only the last fortnight, one college campus Alphabet Soup brigade have deemed white gay men too privileged to deserve their marginalised status, while at another campus, The Vagina Monologues have been deemed too white, and replaced by a play featuring a more diverse cast.

Seriously, we’re not even making this up.

The latest example of mind bending inanity involves chalk.



The story goes something like this.

Somebody at Emory University in Georgia wrote “Trump 2016” in chalk, all over the campus. The university President announced he would review security footage to find the chalker, and the incident has been likened to “racial intimidation” and a “cross burning.”

Seriously, we’re not even making this up.

image#thechalkening is trending. For example, Milo Yiannopoulos has joked “How long before 7-day waiting periods for chalk purchases and “chalk-free zones”?

Seriously, we’re not even making this up.

Regardless of your views on Trump, (at The XYZ, they are varied indeed,) he appears to be spearheading the fightback against the political correctness and Cultural Marxism that has threatened to destroy Western Civilisation.  This counter-attack only gets stronger, and the “progressives” are being shown up for the pathetic crybabies that they are.