Desperate in WA


Poor old Bill stumbled yesterday vocalizing then name of his party’s candidate in one of the West Australian seats. Not all his fault of course. It’s rather unusual for the entire elected body of representatives for a State to jump ship at the same time. But then, the Labor ship is clearly a sinking one, and who wants to be on television giving mournful commentary on election night as the seats slip away and another cringe worthy speech from Comrade Bill looms, this one mercifully a concession and hopefully a resignation?

2953052275_9ce8963da8_Alley-catBut even so, pronouncing the name of Comrade Anne Aly seemed straightforward enough, few could get the Anne wrong and even Bill managed that, but pronouncing Aly as “alley” as in “alley cat”? Has Bill never been in a falafel joint, or does he stick to pie shops? The better question of course is how Anne Aly (or Alley) can be described as a “counter terrorism” expert. To be so described one must surely admit to the fact of Islamic terrorism in the first place, something Anne (Aly, Alley) refuses to do. But we digress…

The more interesting development was the preselection by Labor of someone who has never voted Labour previously and has previously stood for the Greens (as Anne (Aly, Alley) herself once did. We’re not sure how Bill went pronouncing her name, but said candidate is a human rights activist and lawyer (and that should tell you all you need to know) called Tammy. We think Bill got that part of her name right. Anyway, Tammy is on the public record as to her desire to see her own country hauled before some United Nations body for alleged genocide against its indigenous peoples on account of the so-called ‘stolen generations.’

Labor may think it is good idea to put forward candidates who actually hate their own country and wish it to be condemned by an unelected body of suit wearing socialists, activists and lawyers, but we expect the vast majority of taxpaying Australians will take a dim view on this and hopefully vote accordingly, come election day, by which time Bill might have actually worked out how to pronounce the name’s of his own candidates.

Photo by sirexkat