Wally of the Weak (as piss): Mitchell Pearce


12642769_10156478463340300_4838582318859705666_nEditor’s note:

The XYZ Wally of the Week, named after everybody’s favourite Muslim Apologist, Waleed Aly (TM), comes with a twist this evening. The XYZ has already reported on this week’s breach of privacy scandal which affected the NRL, but we feel that there was, after all, a way the Roosters captain could have avoided social media ire:

Wally of the Weak (as piss): Mitchell Pearce for not having the good sense to try to kiss a bloke and root a cockatoo instead of a lezzo and a dog. BIRM. No-one would’ve said a thing…”

Signed, Vic Timms.

It’s your XYZ.