Meat Eaters Cleared of Vegan Hate-Speech

Image modified by Eren Batu

The ‘controversial’ Australian Meat and Livestock (MLA) advertisement ‘Operation Boomerang’, which features SBS newsreader Lee Lin Chin and promotes the benefits of eating lamb has today been cleared of inciting hated against vegans. Phew!

The ad has attracted close to 650 complaints only a week after its launch, with a large number claiming that it incites violence and “discriminates” against vegans. No, I am seriously not making this up….

Despite the raft of complaints, the Advertising Standards Board decided that the advertisement did not breach the Australian Association of National Advertisers Code of Ethics.

We’ll give the quote of the day to Australian Meat and Livestock who are no doubt having the last laugh (on the way to the bank) over this vegan ‘hate-speech’ saga:

“The advertisement has been viewed more than 4 million times across media channels and feedback remains overwhelmingly positive.”

XYZ Quote of the Day, 19 January 2016