“Extreme, ill-informed fringe group”


Today’s quote of the day goes to the Royal Australian Navy’s adviser on Muslim affairs and head of the Guided Missile Frigate System program office, Captain Mona Shindy.

Captain Shindy has recently been showered with awards and has received celebration and acclaim for being one of the few Islamic women serving in Australia’s defence forces.

In addition to this, Shindy has used the Twitter handle @navyislamic to push her political agenda, including the quote above which was used to attack the newly formed political party, the Australian Liberty Alliance.

Only a few days after Shindy made the statement in December last year, the Twitter account @navyislamic simply disappeared.

When asked why the account was deleted, only now has defence media come forward with a statement, stating to the Guardian that the “Navy has consolidated its social media platforms to achieve a ‘single source’ so as to strengthen its messaging in sync with its support to traditional media.” Yeah, right.

Shindy’s attack on the Australian Liberty Alliance was not the first time she had used her inappropriately named Twitter handle, @navyislamic to push her political barrow. After Tony Abbott’s deposition by Malcolm Turnbull, Shindy tweeted: “Looking forward to a #PM that unites #auspol & #OZ”.

Following the Paris terrorist attack which left well over one hundred people dead, Shindy tweeted her support for Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed, the Grand Mufti of Australia, stating he was a “righteous and courageous man”, adding the hashtag #IStandWithTheMufti.

All of this opinion pushing from Shindy has been against defence regulations which allow personnel to express their views on political parties, candidates or issues, “but not as defence personnel”. It took Shindy’s attack on the Australian Liberty Alliance for Defence to finally wake up and rightly shut down the account.

XYZ’s Quote of the Day

Hey, Mona.