Star Wars trailer finally here!


It’s here! It’s here!  The official Star Wars trailer is here.

Forget the sacking of Tony Abbott, the rampage of ISIS or the grand power plays of Putin.  This is the most important event of our time.

If you want to just enjoy Star Wars for what it is, stop reading this article now, watch the trailer, and go about your business.  Because I am about to shamelessly politicise it.

If you can take one thing from this trailer, it is to remember that the victories our parents, our grandparents, and our forebears fought for, will always need to be defended on the ideological battleground, and if necessary, physically fought for again.

1099.  1488.  1683.  1783.  1788.  1865.  1918.  1945.  1989.

What will be our next year of victory?

For something a little lighter, feel free to participate in our reader poll, Which is the best Star Wars movie?  (Please note that The Phantom Menace has been deliberately left out.)