Who is the bigot?


Whilst the ABC, The Age / SMH, and The Guardian, were obsessing over some comments by obscure Catholics in relation to traditional concepts of marriage (i.e. that marriage generally involves people of the opposite gender), the real bigots and haters were on their way to Sydney.

imageStrangely, the calls to ban this particular preacher, so as to ensure no one’s feelings were hurt, seem to have been missed among all the outrage over the true atrocity that was the Speaker’s five grand trip to Geelong. Curiously too, the story seems about as popular on the ABC as a pork sausage at an Eid meal.

Happily XYZ, with access to taxpayer funds about $1.1billion short of those provided annually to our news shy rivals over at the ABC, are on to the story!


It’s your XYZ.