Well frankly, I find that offensive


If you happen to express an opinion which reflects the current sta14784130345_c99ef648f1_zte of Australian law, you run the risk of having your view dismissed and branded as “extremely hurtful.”

The Victorian Nationals Senator Bridget McKenzie found out the hard way over the weekend.

The ABC reported that Senator McKenzie’s brother, Alastair McKenzie said that his sister’s comments opposing changes to the Marriage Act were “painful to read.”

He wrote in a letter to the Bendigo Advertiser “as you can understand this is a deeply personal and this latest statement from my sister has been extremely hurtful.”

“Public statements promoting inequity only serve to perpetuate the isolation and marginalise those youths questioning their sexuality.

“Growing up in the country can be tough and isolating, growing up gay in the country in the 1990s was horrific.

“Given her own story and connection, I had hoped to see a more courageous and compassionate response.”

Citing “hurt” or “offence” has become the quickest and most effective way to shut down open and intelligent debate and to slander those with opposing views in contemporary Australia.

You don’t need to have a well reasoned argument, you don’t even need to be concerned about the “truth”. We’ve clearly moved beyond such an outdated and oppressive concept.

Well frankly, I find that offensive.