A Man’s Mission on Earth

The Harrison Butker speech has been doing the rounds. For the record, I think in general it was an excellent speech. I could nitpick, but who of us is perfect? He has been accused...

Moderna shares rise on report US Government preparing funding for MRNA Bird Flu Vax

Tyler Durden Shares of Moderna are up more than 4% in the New York premarket trading session following a report by the Financial Times that the US government is preparing to “bankroll a late-stage trial...

A Godly Woman

Ten years ago my writing here was heavily weighted towards how to interact with women in the modern world. As always my writing was to the point and this can come across as hostility,...

Reap What You’ve Sown

I'm so glad I wrote that piece against Avi Yemeni in 2021. It got me kicked off the anti lockdown speakers circuit and placed on the watch list of the Jewish lobby groups, but...

Bird Flu and new Covid strain will kill us all: We need Lockdowns NOW

Everybody panic, it’s happening again. From Sky News: Several cases of bird flu have been detected at a farm in Victoria, prompting a swift quarantine of the property as global cases continue to rise. Agriculture Victoria on...

Slowly erasing the false narrative

Mark Oshinskie Early in my legal career, I handled many one-day trials. Late one afternoon, I returned to my office. Still wearing my suit and carrying my briefcase, I passed the open office door of...

The Iranian Black Swan

The president of Iran and the foreign minister have been confirmed dead in a helicopter crash. Andrei Martyanov believes that it was not an assassination but rather an incident. Before we go all Mossad or...

Clownworld turns to Assassination

Openly opposing Clownworld comes at a heavy price. BREAKING: IRAN STATE TV SAYS 'NO SIGN' OF LIFE IN PRESIDENT'S HELICOPTER Source: AFP https://t.co/egpqHfIQVe pic.twitter.com/XncmAnJsML — Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) May 20, 2024 BREAKING: MANY BODIES OF THOSE DIED IN...

You love your Nation because God created the Nations

I was watching an excellent episode of Tom, Joel and Blair this evening, where they were really getting to the heart of living for something more than themselves and why they were focused on...

A Pox on Schooling

I’ve had to hire quite a lot of people over the years, including for the oil & gas industry, which is not known for putting up with much nonsense, at least not on the...

South Australia to ban Social Media just in time for WWIII

The crazy feminists are kinda almost right again. Boys should be playing with Lego in the mud and throwing snails at girls. From news.com: As parents grow more worried about the pernicious effects of social media...

The Carbon Capture Con

Carbon-capture-and-underground-storage “(CCUS)” tops the list of silly schemes “to reduce man-made global warming”. The idea is to capture exhaust gases from power stations or cement plants, separate the CO2 from the other gases, compress it,...

Israel is and always has been a Terrorist State

Regular reader Heresolong comments on the plight of poor Israel: Not really sure that thinking that a civilized and democratic state is worse than a terrorist organization, regardless of the Jews vs Christians vs Muslims...

How I learned to stop worrying and love Mystery Babylon

In his May Day speech delivered just after his fifth inauguration as President of Russia on Thursday, Vladimir Putin reminded his Western opponents that Russia’s nuclear forces are always on alert and ready for...

Our Sinking Boat

When it comes to attempting to understand why Western civilisation has been steadily falling apart for several generations, it is a depressing reality that smart people are reliably and consistently dumb on this topic....

Google buries bashing of teenage girl in Melbourne school

A pandemic of African violence is plaguing Australia. In just the latest incident, a 13 year old girl was bashed by a gang of African girls at a school in Melton, northwest of Melbourne. From...

Israel Begins to Panic

The good citizens of the United States now find themselves in a position where their right to criticise Israel for any reason has been criminalised by their government at the behest of said government’s...

It takes balls to draw a dick on the memorial to a murdered feminist

Editor’s note: Originally published on October 10, 2018. In recent weeks the Australian political and media elite has politicised a mass murder in Bondi by a reprobate prostitute, turning it into jihad against ordinary men...

Is a Nation comprised of a Race or a Religion?

A bit of a comment war has erupted on my latest post, when regular reader Kentucky Gent opined that Jesus was not a Jew. After being called out on this claim he attempted to...

How to explain World War III to normies

There’s a Chinese saying we’ve all heard about it being a blessing and a curse to live in interesting times or something similar. It’s the type of midwit profundity you might hear at the...